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Match the column:-
List ⅠList Ⅱ
A) TracheidⅠ) cells possess highly thickened walls with bilateral central lumen
B) Vessels Ⅱ) elongated tube like cells with thick lignified walls and tapering ends.
C) Xylem parenchymaⅢ) Individual members are interconnected through perforated in their common walls
D) Xylem fibersⅣ) Cells are living with thin cellulose cell walls

1.A-Ⅱ, B-Ⅲ , C-Ⅳ , D-Ⅰ
2.A-Ⅱ, B-Ⅳ, C-Ⅰ, D-Ⅲ
3.A-Ⅲ, B-Ⅱ, C-Ⅳ, D-Ⅰ
4.A-Ⅱ, B-Ⅲ, C-Ⅰ, D-Ⅳ

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 425.1k
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Hint: Permanent tissues of plants constitute simple and complex tissues . Complex tissues are made up of Xylem and phloem, out of which Xylem which functions as conducting tissue for water and mineral is composed of different elements namely, tracheids, vessels, xylem fibers and xylem parenchyma.
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Complete answer:
1.Plants are made up of different types of tissues Permanent tissue is one of them. The cells of these tissues generally do not divide further. These are of two types: Simple and complex tissues.
2.Simple tissues are made up of one type of cells means their cells are similar in structure and function. These are of various types : Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma(sclereids).
3.Complex tissues are made up of more than one type of cells and work together as a unit.
Xylem and phloem are complex tissues.
Xylem is a conducting tissue for conducting water and minerals from roots to the stem and leaves..
It is made up of four different kinds of elements- tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. Gymnosperms lack vessels in their xylem.
Tracheids – Elongated with thick and lignified walls. It is having a large cavity and the ends
are mostly tapering. It lacks protoplast, and hence, is dead. The secondary wall layers have thickenings in various forms such as annular, spiral, scalariform, and pitted . In gymnosperms,
wood is composed of tracheids.
Vessel :It is a long cylindrical tube-like structure made up of many cells called vessel members, each with lignified walls and a large central cavity. Their members are interconnected through perforations in their common walls. The secondary wall layers have thickenings similar to tracheids. Vessels consist of vertical rows of cells with cross walls dissolved.
Xylem fibres Xylem fibres are both present in primary and secondary xylem. They have highly thickened walls without central lumen.
Xylem parenchyma is found more in primary xylem.Cell walls are thin and made of cellulose. Food materials can be stored in the form of starch or fat, or substance like tannin.
4. Phloem transports food materials, usually from leaves to other parts of the plant. It is composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma ad phloem fibres.

Hence the correct answer is option(1)

Note: Primary xylem is of two types: endarch and exarch. In endarch type the growth of xylem is centrifugal (away from the centre) in which protoxylem is in the centre and metaxylem towards periphery in stelar region. In exarch type it is centripetal (towards the centre) having metaxylem in the centre and protoxylem towards periphery.