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Name an animal which moves by using its large, disc-type foot

Last updated date: 26th Sep 2024
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Hint: It is a gastropod mollusk and a part of the phylum Mollusca which means they belong to the same group of Octopus. This animal generally moves by gliding along their muscular foot and secrete the mucus-covered with epithelial cells.

Complete answer:
-Snails are the only mollusk adapted to all the types of habitat on the earth. It is a terrestrial gastropod dwell in areas of high altitude, mountainous regions, and hot and cold places.
-The land and water snails, what type of snails are found. Vital functions performed on the ground by the land snails.
-Snail's foot is large, flat, and disc-shaped made up of strong muscles known as a muscular foot. The snails move with the help of muscular feet. Generally, two sets of muscles in the foot of snails are present which contract and expand producing a wavy effect.
-They generally move with the help of adhesive locomotion. They transmit waves of shear stress through a thin layer of mucus on a solid substrate by a muscular contraction and expansion of their foot.

Additional Information: -The outer covering of the snails is called shells and made up of calcium carbonate and makes them strong. It is different in sizes and shapes depending on the various species of the snails. Some shells are a cone in shape while others are round in shape and both have a spiral design.
-The shells protect the snails from the environment and predators.
-Shells are usually brown or yellow in color with a fringe design and helps in protecting the internal organ of the animal. The rest of the body of the animal is soft.
So, an animal that moves by using its large, disc-type foot is Snails.

Note: -Snails foot is reduced or greatly modified and moved by muscular actions with a series of contractions proceed from the posterior to the anterior end of the gliding portion of the foot.
-The gastropod who lacks a shell is known as a slug or sea slug. The organ of the locomotion in the land gastropod is a disc-type foot.

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