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Of the following substance which is an element, a mixture and a compound?
Sea water is the example of.
A) element.
B) Mixture.
C) Compounds.
D) All of these.

Last updated date: 26th Jun 2024
Total views: 394.5k
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Hint:We know,
A mixture consistently contains at least two substances that can be available in fluctuating sums. The segments of a blend don't lose their personalities and might be isolated by actual methods. There are two sorts of blend,
-Homogeneous mixture
-Heterogeneous mixture

Complete answer:
Now we can discuss about how homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture differ from each other as,
Homogeneous mixture:
We have to remember that the homogenous mixture consists of a single phase be it liquid, gas, or solid the chemical composition is the same for any sample of the mixture.
Heterogeneous mixture:
We have to know that the heterogeneous mixtures consisting of different phases are not uniform; they will not have an identical composition.
We must know that seawater is an unpredictable combination of 96.5 percent water, 2.5 percent salts, and more modest measures of different substances, including broken down inorganic and natural materials, particulates, and a couple of environmental gases. From that we can conclude that the sea water is a mixture of various materials.
Therefore, the option B is correct.
We have to know that the elements are substances which contain only one type of atom. Therefore, the option A is incorrect.
We have to remember that the substance which can separate them into easier material. Therefore, the option C is incorrect.
Hence option B is correct.

Note: Let us see what is meant by elements and compounds.
An unadulterated substance (component or compound) consistently has an unmistakable synthesis by mass. The components in the mixes lose their characters and might be isolated simply by compound methods. A substance that can't be separated into artificially less complex parts is a component. Aluminum, which is utilized in soft drink jars, is a component. A substance that can be separated into synthetically easier segments (since it has more than one component) is a compound. For instance, water is a compound made out of the components hydrogen and oxygen. Today, there are around 118 components in the known universe. Conversely, researchers have distinguished a huge number of various mixes to date.