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Pandit Birju Maharaj is associated with which dance form?
A) Kathak
B) Manipuri
C) Bharatanatyam
D) Kathakali

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
Total views: 320.7k
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Hint: Pandit Birju Maharaj hails from a family who had a very keen interest in music, art and dance culture which also led him to have a huge interest in Indian classical music apart from dancing. His two uncles and his father, who were pioneers of the Kathak dance form.

Complete answer:
Let us analyze the given options:
A) Kathak: Pandit Birju Maharaj is one of the most popular Kathak dancers in India. He received several prestigious awards and titles for his talent in this dance form and Indian classical music. Hence, he can be associated with the Kathak dance form, which is prevalent only in India. Thus, this is the correct answer.

B) Manipuri: Elam Indira Devi, an Indian classical dancer and an instructor are prominent for her expertise in the Manipuri traditional dance form. In the state of Manipur, this dance form is very popular. Hence, this is an inappropriate option to the question.

C) Bharatanatyam: Bharatanatyam is the incorrect answer as Bharatanatyam is a southern Indian ancient dance art form that serves as a foundation for a variety of other dance styles. Rukmini Devi Arundale was one of India's most celebrated Bharatanatyam dancers.

D) Kathakali: Kathakali is one of the world's oldest theatre styles, famed for its extravagance. Kalamandalam Gopi is one of the most reputed Kathakali dancers in India. Therefore, option (D) cannot be considered as the right option.

Therefore the correct answer is option (A) because Pandit Birju Maharaj is associated with the dance form of Kathak.

Note: Kathak is a major classical dance form in India famous in the northern part of India. Brijmohan Mishra, also known as Pandit Birju Maharaj, hails from India's Lucknow Kalka-Bindadin Gharana of Kathak dancers. In 1986, he received the Padma Vibhushan award, a prestigious award given to people for their contribution to art, science and culture.