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What percentage of Asopalav trees were planted?
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Hint: Find the overall trees planted by taking the sum of the given types of trees planted. Take the ratio of the number of Asopalav trees planted to the total number of trees planted and multiply this ratio with 100 to find the percentage and get the answer. Use the formula: - % of Asopalav tree planted = (Number of Asopalav tree planted / Total number of trees planted) \[\times 100\].

Complete step by step answer:
From the above pie chart, we can conclude that: -
Number of Amla trees planted = 6
Number of Gulmohar trees planted = 18
Number of Asopalav trees planted = 21
Number of Neem trees planted = 15
To find the percentage, we need to find the total number of trees planted. Therefore, the total number of trees planted will be the sum of the number of trees planted in each category.
Number of trees planted in total = 6 + 18 + 21 + 15 = 60
Now, we need to find the percentage of Asopalav trees. Therefore, using the formula: -
% of Asopalav tree planted = (Number of Asopalav tree planted / Total number of trees planted) \[\times 100\], we get,
% of Asopalav tree planted = \[\dfrac{21}{60}\times 100\%\]
Cancelling the common factors and simplify, we get,
% of Asopalav tree planted = 7 \[\times \] 5 % = 35%

So, 35% of Asopalav trees were planted.

Note: One may note that, in the similar manner we can find the percentage of other trees planted. There can be another way to find the answer. We can calculate the percentage of trees planted in the other three categories and then take their sum which is then subtracted from 100. In this way also we will get the same answer for the Asopalav tree but the process will be lengthier as we would have to calculate the percentage three times.
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