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Plant eating animals are trophic
a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. Level 4

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
Total views: 421.8k
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Hint: The organisms in the ecosystem are placed in the food chain, based on the food they eat, they are classified into different trophic levels.

Complete answer:
Mainly food web is classified into five trophic levels

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> Level 1: consists of all green plants and algae, they are called as producers, as they prepare food by themselves by a process called photosynthesis.

> Level 2: The organisms in this level depend on level 1 that is plants, algae, hence this is called primary consumers and also herbivores, where they eat only plants and algae for their energy. Example: rabbits, cows, goats

> Level 3: The organisms which eat only herbivores for their energy, where these are called secondary consumers or carnivores. Example: lion, fox rats

> Level 4: Animals in this level are called tertiary consumers; they include carnivores (level 3 animals) and omnivores which mean eat both plants and animals.

> Level 5: It is the last trophic level where they prey on all levels and always be at the top of the food chain, so they are called apex predators. So level 5 organisms have come on top of the food chain as there are no predators for themselves.

From the above explanation, the answer is level 2

Note: The diagram of the food chain pyramid will be helpful for easy identification of trophic levels. Always remember that producers still comprise the lowest level.