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What is the pressure conversion factor for torr to kpa?

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Hint: A conversion factor is a number used to change one set of units to a different, by multiplying or dividing. When a conversion is important, the acceptable factor to an equal value must be used. For instance, to convert inches to feet, the acceptable conversion value is 12 inches equal 1 foot. To convert minutes to hours, the acceptable conversion value is hour equal 1 hour.

Complete step-by-step answer:
You can easily link these two units by using atmospheres, or atm, as initially a starting point. you know that 1 atm is equivalent to 760 torr. similarly, 1 atm is equivalent to 101.325 kPa, so the conversion factor that takes from torr to kPa will look like this
$\dfrac{760\text{ torr}}{1\text{ }\text{atm}}.\dfrac{1\text{ atm}}{101.325\text{ kPa}}=\dfrac{760\text{ torr}}{101.325\text{ kPa}}$
$1\text{ torr}\text{.}\dfrac{101.325\text{ kPa}}{760\text{ torr}}=0.133322\text{ kPa}$
Or we can write
$1\text{ kPa}\text{.}\dfrac{760\text{ torr}}{101.325\text{ kPa}}=7.50061\text{ torr}$
Hence, we can conclude that the conversion factor is
1 KPa = 7.50061 Torr
We have conversion factors for all units and sometimes we have conversion factors for those units which are not even related to each other. Conversion factor plays a crucial role in our everyday life from watching the speed limit given in miles and then converted into kilometers per hour or the distance given in miles converted to kilometers. Conversion factors are used everywhere and sometimes we are not aware that we are using it.

Note: A unit conversion expresses an equivalent property as a special unit of measurement. as an example, Sometimes, time is expressed in minutes or seconds instead of hours, while distances are measured in meters or cm instead of kilometers, or feet, or the other measure of length. A conversion factor is a numeric expression that permits feet to be changed to chains as an equal exchange.