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Read again the extracts from Nehru’s speech Tryst with Destiny and answer the following:
Why did Nehru use the expression not wholly or in full measure in the first sentence?

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Tryst with Destiny 'was a speech delivered to the Indian Constituent Assembly in Parliament by Jawaharlal Nehru, the very first Prime Minister of Indian constitution, on the occasion of the Independence of India, at midnight on 14 August 1947. It has spoken about the dimensions of the transcended heritage of India.

Complete solution:
Tryst with destiny is termed to be one of the 20th century's greatest speeches and to be a revolutionary speech that captured the spirit of the triumphant pinnacle of the struggle for India’s freedom against the British rule in India.
According to Jawaharlal Nehru, the task had been undertaken and it was under process, it was not completed fully, therefore he expresses it as “not wholly or in full measure”. As it is a huge task, it can be fulfilled in one’s lifetime, and it was to be completed exponentially and progressively.
He also mentioned that ‘The path is not among convenience or relaxation, but of continuous striving so that we can fulfil the pledges we have built so far and the one we are going to take today. India's action provides the service of the millions who are suffering. It means bringing an end to poverty and ignorance and to sickness and opportunity disparities.’.

There are many popular cultural references to this Tryst with destiny, some of them are; In the Hindi movie Earth 1998, in a Tamil movie Hey Ram, 2000, and a lot more Indian film have captured and used the essence of Tryst with Destiny.