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Red/pink bread mold is the common name for

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint: Moulds are nothing but types of fungi that reproduce by creating spores. These are found almost everywhere with enough moisture and organic matter. The molds on the surface of bread are the result of the rich organic material found in it which fuels the growth of mold spores.

Complete answer:
Neurospora is commonly known as Red/Pink bread mold. These are members of the genus Ascomycete fungi.
The characteristic feature of these molds is their broadly spreading colonies with abundant production of ascomata. These fruiting bodies of such fungi are superficial or immersed, perithecial and oscillate or cleistothecia and non-ostiolate and dark-colored. The former genera Gelasinospora is nowadays included in this genus. These are broadly used in genetics as a model organism due to its quick reproduction, easy to culture, and ability to survive on minimal media.

Additional Information: Mucor is commonly found in soil, the digestive system of organisms, plant surfaces, rotten biodegradable matters, and iron oxide residue in the biosorption. Their colonies are white to beige or grey and fast-growing. These fungi can be simple or branched and form apical, globular sporangia. Their characteristic feature is the shape and insertion of the columella and the lack of stolons and rhizoids.
Aspergillus is conidial fungi that possess the ability to grow where a high osmotic pressure exists. They are highly aerobic and commonly grow aa molds on the surface of the substrate. These are common contaminants of starchy foods and grow in many plants and trees.
Rhizopus are saprophytic fungi on plants and parasitic on animals and are mainly found in mature fruits and vegetables, jellies, syrups, leather, bread, peanuts, and tobacco. Some of these are opportunistic agents of the infection zygomycosis in humans.
So, the correct answer is "Neurospora".

Note: Along with red or pink bread mold, there are several others- black bread mold, Penicillium bread mold, Cladosporium bread mold, etc. Black bread mold is caused by a fungus named Rhizopus stolonifer and it is one of the most common ones. It may appear on wild fruits and vegetables as well. As its name states, penicillium is the reason for penicillium bread mold. These are unique in a way because people use them purposely to flavor foods such as blue cheese. Some of them produce penicillin that is used by people as antibiotics. The Cladosporium mold causes sneezing, coughing, and wheezing to people with allergies.