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How is reproduction in Hydra different from that in amoeba?
A. Hydra reproduces by budding, Amoeba reproduces by binary fission.
B. Hydra reproduces by binary fission, Amoeba reproduces by budding.
C. Hydra reproduces by sexual reproduction, Amoeba reproduces by asexual reproduction.
D. None of the above.

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
Total views: 418.2k
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Hint: Hydra is a freshwater eukaryotic organism and belongs to phylum Cnidaria and found in a temperate and tropical region, this organism possesses brilliant regenerative ability. It reproduces asexually by means of budding.

Complete answer:
Hydra appear as tubular with radial symmetry body structure and have a simple adhesive basal disc, adhesive property occurs due to secretion of sticky fluid by basal disc possessing gland cells. The free end of the body possesses a mouth, which has several tentacles and each of the tentacles holds specialized cells called cnidocytes. Hydra feeds on aquatic invertebrates mainly on Daphnia. Hydra reproduces asexually by budding, the buds arise from the body wall, which grows into a small adult Hydra and detached from the parent body when it is mature. While in the case of Amoeba which is a unicellular organism and its body shape is not fixed due to pseudopodia. Amoeba reproduces by binary fission, which is also a type of asexual reproduction. In binary fission, single cells divide into two daughter cells with their single nucleus. Apart from this asexual reproduction Hydra show sexual reproduction under unfavorable environmental conditions, the body wall of Hydra swells up into the ovaries or testes, which release gametes and fuse called fertilization, the fertilized egg produces a tough coating which protects from the harsh environment, when environment conditions become normal then they regrow into completely new individuals.
Hence, the correct Option is A.

Note: Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which a new individual has arisen from its parent body, which is completely the same as its parent there is no formation and fusion of gametes take place. Asexual reproduction is of many types such as fission, budding, vegetative propagation, fragmentation, and spore formation.