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Select the opposite of the given word:
a. Discipline
b. Reward
c. Advance
d. Chasten

Last updated date: 22nd Sep 2024
Total views: 451.8k
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Hint: Antonyms are those words that have contrasting or opposite meanings to the given word.

Complete step by step answer:
The word ‘punish’ refers to inflicting a penalty or sanction on (someone) as retribution for an offense, especially a transgression of a legal or moral code. It’s opposite would be something that means 'recognition for doing something’.
Let us analyze the options given to us in this question:
Option (a.), 'discipline', refers to the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. Therefore, option (a.) is incorrect as it is not antonymous to the meaning of the given word ‘punish’.
Option (b.), ‘reward', refers to a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. Therefore, option (b.) is correct as it is antonymous to the given word ‘punish’.
Option (c.), ‘advance', refers to an amount of money paid before it is due or for work only partly completed. Therefore, option (c.) is incorrect as it is not antonymous to the meaning of the given word ‘punish’.
Option (d.), ‘chasten', refers to (of a rebuke or misfortune) having a restraining or moderating effect on.
Therefore, option (d.) is incorrect as it is not antonymous to the meaning of the given word ‘punish’.

Note: Sometimes in a question where we have to find the opposite, the options don’t mean the exact opposite of the given word. Thus, in a question like this, select that option which is the most antonymous to the meaning of the word in the question.