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Separate the Subject and the Predicate in the following sentence:
Tubal Cain was a man of might.
a)Subject: Tubal Cain; Predicate: was a man of might
b)Subject: man of might; Predicate: Tubal Cain was a
c)Subject: Tubal Cain was a; Predicate: man of might
d)Subject: Tubal Cain was a man; Predicate: of might

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: A subject in a sentence is the person or thing being talked about. The rest of the sentence is the predicate which usually says something about the subject.

Complete step-by-step answer:

The given sentence is talking about a man called Tubal Cain who was a man of might. So we can see that the person being talked about is Tubal Cain. So, Tubal Cain is the subject. The predicate is ‘was a man of might’. This part is talking about Tubal Cain. Therefore, the correct answer is option a.
Option b is wrong because ‘man of might’ is a description of Tubal Cain. It cannot be the subject of the sentence.
In option c, the subject cannot be ‘Tubal Cain was a’ because only Tubal Cain is being talked about. The inclusion of a verb (was) and an article (a), is not required.
Option d is incorrect because only ‘Tuban Cain’ is the subject.

Note: It is not necessary that the subject has to be one or two words. Even phrases can be subjects. For example, ‘The girl in the red dress is my sister’. In this sentence, ‘The girl in the red dress’ is the subject because the phrase ‘in the red dress’ is not talking about the girl but is a clue to identify which girl. ‘Is my sister’ is the predicate because it is giving additional information about the girl; it is talking about the girl.