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Suggest some measures to reduce noise pollution in your residential area.

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: In this question all possible degrees that produce higher noise are named as noisy elements so stay away from these and can never install these elements in our residential areas so use this to get the solution to the problem.

Complete Step-by-Step solution:
Noise pollution:
It is also known as sound pollution or environmental noise. It is the measure of the degree of the extent that produces the noise for example noise caused by aircrafts, machines transport etc.
Some of the noises are very harmful for human beings as well as for the animals even cause permanent hearing loss.
Noise is measured in decibel often denoted by (db).
Normal conservation tone is about 60 db, everything greater than 85 db will be harmful to us.
Some of the measures to reduce noise pollution in our residential area are given as:
Stay away from Noisy area
Noise producing industries, airports, vehicles should be far from residential areas as it very dangerous for infants and senior citizens.
Follow the Limits of Noise level
Community law should check use of loudspeakers, outdoor parties as well as political public announcements.
Control Noise level near sensitive areas
There should be control on noise level (Silent zones) near schools, hospitals. Place noise limits boards near sensitive areas.
Go Green by planting trees
We can plant more trees as they are good noise absorbents. According to studies it can reduce noise by 5 to 10 decibels (db) around them.
Use Proper Lubrication and Better maintenance
We can use proper lubrication as well as better maintenance of machines to reduce noise pollution and improve efficiency. It reduces friction between movable parts and helps to reduce noise.
Some other measures are urban planning, better designing of roads, applying limits on vehicles speed, noise barriers etc.

Note – Standard talk is about 60 dB, lawn mower about 90 dB, and loud rock concert about 120 dB, respectively. Sounds over 85 are usually dangerous, depending on how long you are exposed to them and how much you wear hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs.