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Syngenesious condition of stamens is found in family
(a) Asteraceae
(b) Liliaceae
(c) Cruciferae
(d) Malvaceae

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Hint: Syngenesious condition having united stamens. It is a condition pertaining to an aggregate of stamens fused at anthers. Usually, there are five stamens. Syngenesious stamens are those stamens whose anthers are united into a tube and its filaments are free. Five epipetalous stamens arise from the base of the corolla; filaments are free but anthers are united. The anthers are dithecous, and pollen grains are very small, round, and ornamented.

Complete answer:
Syngenesious condition is a feature of the family Asteraceae. This is the largest family of flowering plants containing about 950 genera and nearly 20000 species. Most plants show herbaceous habits. Flowers are aggregated together in dense heads surrounded by involucral bracts, which make them very conspicuous and attractive. Floral parts are completely whorled and typically pentamerous. sepals get reduced to papus. The carpel is inferior. Flower buds are well protected by involucral bracts.
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The Corolla tube is short enough to enable the nectar to be reached by insects. Fruits are very light due to the presence of hairy pappus. The inflorescence is the head or capitulum with the distinct involucral cup which is formed of bracts. The marginal sterile or female flowers are called ray florets. The central bisexual flowers are called disc florets. Disc florets are actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, tubular, and epigynous bisexual. The androecium of disc floret consists of 5 stamens, epipetalous syngenesious. Anthers fused in a tube. Ray florets are syncarpous, inferior unilocular, with a single anatropous ovule, style is simple and stigma bifid.
So, the correct answer is ‘Asteraceae’.

Additional information:
- There are several economically important plants in the Asteraceae family.
- Oil is extracted from plants like Helianthus annuus.
- Rubber is present in tissues of Parthenium ageratum.
- The leaves of lettuce, tubers of Jerusalem are edible.
- Roots of Trapopogonporifolium are edible
- The insecticide, pyrethrin is extracted from the dried leaves of the chrysanthemum.

- Common plants of the Asteraceae family include Helianthus annuus, Chrysanthemum, etc. The Asteraceae family is also known as composite.
- Asteraceae is regarded as the most advanced and highly evolved and is considered to occupy the highest position in the plant kingdom.
- It includes the maximum number of genera. Asteraceae is important for its many garden ornamentals, such as chrysanthemums, asters, ageratums, etc. There are also several economically important plants, some of them are edible.