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The importance of the survival of the fittest as the basic principle of competition in organic evolution was explained by
(d)De Vries

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: He observed that the characteristics of many plants and animals vary greatly among the island. He studied tortoises and marine iguanas in the Galapagos Island. He observed that each island supported its form of finch which was closely related but different in important ways.

Complete answer:
The struggle for existence in which members of each species have to compete for food, shelter, other life necessities. According to Darwin theory:
-Individuals in nature differ from one another.
-Organisms in nature produce more offspring than can survive, and out of the many of those who do not survive do not reproduce.
-Because more organisms are produced than can survive, each species must struggle for food and shelter.
-Each organism is unique, each has advantages and disadvantages in the struggle of existence.
-The individuals who are best suited for the environment survive and reproduce most successfully.
-Species change over time.
-Species alive today descended with modification or evolution from species that lived in the past.
-All organisms present on earth are united into a single-family tree of life by common descent.

Additional Information: -According to Darwin's hypothesis, separate species may have arisen from as original ancestors.
-Darwin collected the preserved remains of ancient organisms, called fossils from those some of those fossils resemble organisms that were still alive today.
-Over time, natural selection results in a change in inherited characteristics of a population. These changes are responsible for increasing a species' fitness in its environment.
So, the correct answer is, ‘Darwin.’

Note: -Lamarck’s theory of evolution:The tendency toward perfection- Giraffe neck
Use and disuse- Bird’s using forearms
-Inheritance of acquired traits
-In artificial selection, nature provides the variation among different organisms and humans select those variations they find useful.
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