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The number of replaceable \[\text{O}{{\text{H}}^{-}}\]ions in a base is called_________
A. Acidity of a base
B. Basicity of an acid
C. Neutral
D. Hydrolysis

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Hint: An acid is defined as a substance which contains hydrogen and which when dissolved into water gives H+ ion. Whereas a base is defined as a substance which contains hydroxyl \[\left( \text{O}{{\text{H}}^{-}} \right)\]groups and which when dissolved in water gives hydroxides\[\left( \text{O}{{\text{H}}^{-}} \right)\] ion.

Complete step by step answer:
 Acidity: - The number of hydroxyl ions in a base is known as acidity of base. On the basis of no. of OH- ion these are further divided into three kinds i.e.:
Monoacidic bases: The base which having one OH- group e.g. KOH,\[\text{N}{{\text{H}}_{\text{4}}}\text{OH}\], NAOH etc.
Di-acidic bases: The base which having two OH- group e.g.\[\text{Ca}{{\left( \text{OH} \right)}_{\text{2}}}\],\[\text{Fe}{{\left( \text{OH} \right)}_{\text{2}}}\],\[\text{Zn}{{\left( \text{OH} \right)}_{\text{2}}}\].
Tri-acidic bases: The base which having three \[\left( \text{O}{{\text{H}}^{-}} \right)\]group e.g.\[\text{Fe}{{\left( \text{OH} \right)}_{\text{3}}}\], \[\text{Al}{{\left( \text{OH} \right)}_{\text{3}}}\]

So, the correct answer is “Option A”.

Additional Information:
Classical concept of acid and base
Acid was defined as a substance whose aqua solution possessed the following characteristic properties:
Conducts electricity,Reacts with active metals like zinc magnesium extractor to give hydrogen,Turns blue,litmus red,Has a sour taste,Who are acidic properties disappear on reaction with base.
Base was defined as a substance whose aqua solution for just the following characteristics properties:
Conduct electricity,Turns red litmus blue,Has a bitter taste,Has a soapy touch,Whose basic properties are destroyed on the reaction with an acid.
Arrhenius concept of acid and base
Acid: - An acid is defined as a substance which contains hydrogen and which was dissolved into water gives hydrogen ion.
Base: - a base is defined as a substance which contains hydroxyl group and when dissolved in water gives hydroxide ion.
Bronsted – Lowery concept of acids and bases
An acid is defined as a substance which has the tendency to give a proton and base is defined as a substance which has density except of proton. In other words, an acid is a proton donor where as a base is a proton acceptor.

The concept of acid, base, basicity, acidity must be clear to understand the statement. Basicity is no. of hydrogen ion present in an acid whereas acidity is no. of OH- ion present in an acid.
A strong acid has more concentration of hydrogen ions whereas a strong base has more concentration of hydroxyl ions. Hydrochloric acid is an example of strong acid and Sodium hydroxide is an example of strong base.