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The offspring of which Mughal emperor was born in Sufis Khanqah, instead of the Mughal Harem?
A. Aurangzeb
B. Humayun
C. Sahajan
D. Akbar

Last updated date: 29th Sep 2024
Total views: 419.1k
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Hint: A Sufi’s Khanqah is a place where Sufis gathered for a spiritual retreat. The Mughal harem was an exclusive, private and forbidden space for the Mughal women.
Complete answer:
The offspring of Mughal emperor Akbar were born in Sufi Khanqah and not in the Mughal Harem. When Akbar had gone in the conquest of Gujarat, he took his pregnant wife along. But she could not withstand the journey and so Akbar had to leave her in Shaikh Daniyal’s house which was in Ajmer. The child was named Prince Daniyal Mirza after the name of the Saint whose blessings Akbar had sought.

When Akbar later introduced the Mansabdari system, his sons were awarded excellent ranks. Daniyal received a rank of 6000 and Akbar’s other two sons also received rank according to their ages. This provided an experienced guardian, military forces and ample resources to the Princes who could now create their own households. With growing age, Daniyal’s rank as a mansabdar rose to 7000. Daniyal was not a good administrator. He was disinterested in his duties and was not associating with the right people. His guardian became angry and reported to Akbar. Akbar’s anger forced Daniyal to become more involved in administrative roles.

Hence the correct answer is option C.

Note: Daniyal died of alcoholism at a young age at the age of 32. Akbar had attempted to curb and control his son’s addiction by restraining access to alcohol. However, Daniyal’s servants smuggled it to him who was later beaten to death.