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The smallest muscles in the human body is
(a) Sartorius
(b) Stapedius
(c) Stapes
(d) Mandibular

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Hint: It is the littlest skeletal muscle in the human body. Its purpose is to stabilize the littlest bone just over one millimeter long within the body, the stapes. It rises up out of a pinpoint foramen inside the pinnacle of the pyramidal greatness (an empty, cone-formed unmistakable quality inside the back mass of the tympanic pit), and embeds into the neck of the stapes.

Complete answer
Stapedius may be a muscle on the wall of the middle ear of the center ear. It is the littlest skeletal muscle in the human body. It acts reflexively in light of noisy sounds by decreasing over the top vibrations that may harm the interior ear.

Additional information
Loss of motion of the stapedius permits more extensive swaying of the stapes, prompting an uplifted response of the heart-able ossicles to sound vibration. This condition, referred to as hyperacusis, causes normal sounds to be perceived as very loud. Paralysis of the stapedius muscle may result when the nerve to the stapedius, a branch of the facial, is broken, or when the facial itself is broken before the nerve to stapedius branches. In instances of Bell's paralysis, hemiplegia of the facial, the stapedius is incapacitated and hyperacusis may result.
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So the correct answer is ‘Stapedius’.

Note: In various tetrapods, the mammalian stapedius progressed from a muscle called the depressor mandibulae, and the limit of which was to open the jaws (this limit was appropriated by the digastric muscle in mammals). The depressor mandibulae arose from the levator operculum in bony fish and are equivalent to the epi hyoidean in sharks. Like the stapedius, all of those muscles derive from the hyoid arch and are innervated by nerve VII.