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Which of these is not a natural ecosystem?
A) Desert
B) Aquarium
C) Forest
D) None of these

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Hint: Natural ecosystem refers to the flora and fauna that are naturally present in a region and where each component interacts together through biological, physical and chemical processes. They are also located away from human interference. Climate and soil type are considered as the non-living components of an ecosystem while plants, animals and other life forms are considered as living components. There are two broad kinds of natural ecosystems namely aquatic or water-based and terrestrial or land-based which can further be subdivided into more specific categories.

Complete Answer:
Now let us analyze the given options:
Option A) Deserts are a type of terrestrial ecosystem. These areas receive very little precipitation and are characterised by extremes of climate both cold and warm. Deserts make up 33% of the Earth’s land surface area. The plant cover in deserts is sparse but diverse with specific features that help them adapt to the climatic conditions and the lack of water. Other living beings including animals are rarely found in deserts because of the unsuitable conditions and lack of water and food. There are two kinds of desserts that are found in the world—hot deserts in tropical and subtropical latitudes and cold deserts in temperate latitudes. Thus option ‘A’ is the incorrect answer.

Option B) Aquariums cannot be considered a natural ecosystem as they are man-made for recreational purposes. In general, it is known as an artificial ecosystem since it is man-made. The aquatic beings in an aquarium are removed from their natural aquatic ecosystem. It is used as a showpiece in houses, malls, restaurants, etc. 
Therefore option ‘B’ is the correct answer.

Option C) Forests are considered natural ecosystems because they are home to a large variety of life forms such as plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Nearly 30% of the total land area on earth is covered by forests. Depending on various factors, forests are categorised into various types— evergreen, deciduous, temperate, alpine, tidal and thorny. According to the State of World’s Forest Report, 2019, the total forest cover of the world constitutes 31% of the land area of the world.

Option D) None of the above: Here the given answer is option ‘B’ thus option ‘D’ is the correct answer.

Hence the correct answer is option ‘B’.

Note: Ecosystems depend upon the type of terrains like mountains, plateau and plains. This is also in turn affected by the soil in such areas. Different soils provide a different basis for vegetation. The character and extent of vegetation are mainly determined by the climate with temperature and precipitation affecting vegetation the most. Plants that grow and animals that reside in a certain range of temperature adapt to it and the climatic conditions of the surroundings.