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Why transition metal forms alloys easily?

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint: The transition metal atoms belong to the d block elements. The transition metal or the d block elements are often colored due to the transition of electrons between the d orbitals of different energies

Complete step by step solution:
An alloy is a mixture of metal or metal which is combined with one or more than other elements. The d block elements are placed between the s and p block elements in the periodic table. The d block elements are called transition elements because they exhibit the behavior between the s block and p block elements.
The atomic sizes of the transition metal are almost similar and this explains their nature of formation of alloys. Due to the similarity in atomic sizes of the transition metal one metal can easily replace other metal from its lattice and leads to formation of a primary solid solution. This primary solid solution is an alloy. Transition metal forms a homogeneous mixture with each other in the molten state. The alloys are comparatively hard and have higher melting point than the elements from which they are made.
For example chromium, titanium and manganese are used in formation of many iron alloys. Some other examples are brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, steel is an alloy of iron and carbon and some other substituents such as vanadium, silicon, copper etc.

Hence, the transition metal form alloy easily due to similar atomic size of elements.

Note: The size of the d block elements generally decreases from left to right across a row in the periodic table due to the increase of the effective nuclear charge and atomic number of the elements but the transition metal have similar sizes due to the lanthanide contraction between the second and the third row of the transition metals