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What is FYM?

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
Total views: 435k
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Hint: It is an organic fertilizer to maintain soil productivity.

Complete answer:
FYM stands for Farm Yard Manure. It is prepared mainly from cow dung, cow urine, waste grass, and other dairy products.

Properties of FYM
1. It is rich in nutrients.
2. A small portion of Nitrogen is available directly to the plants while a greater portion is made available when FYM decomposes.
3. It contains all the macro and micronutrients required for plant growth mainly phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen.
4. It is used in the fields to increase soil productivity.
5. It is cost-effective and eco friendly in nature.

Preparation of FYM
1. The manure pit should be provided with a roof to protect the FYM from the hot sun and heavy rain.
2. The mixture of cattle dung and urine-soaked litter should be directly taken to the manure pit and spread evenly at the bottom.
3. Water should be added uniformly if required.
4. The daily collection of a mixture of cattle dung and urine is spread evenly over the previous layers. This has continued for some time.
5. The FYM is ready in about six months.

Use of FYM
1. It will decompose in soil to improve the soil structure and release nutrients.
2. It should be applied just before the crop is sown.
3. It is mainly applied to your young fruits and vegetable plants.
4. It increases soil fertility and provides humus to the soil.

Note: Organic manures are mainly of three types: Farm Yard Manure, compost, and green manure. They are used as a source of plant nutrients.