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What is pistil?

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Hint: It is a part of the female part of the flower. It has multiple parts— ovary, style and stigma. All the pollen from the environment sticks to the stigma part of the pistil.

Complete answer:
Gynoecium is derived from an ancient word meaning woman. This represents the female part of the flower. This eventually results in the formation of fruits and seeds. It represents the innermost part of the flower. It consists of pistols. These are surrounded by stamens on all sides which produce pollen.
The gynoecium may have one or more pistils in a flower. The structure of the pistil is—
It has an expanded basal portion which is referred to as an ovary.
It has an elongated style.
The apical portion where the pollen is attached is called stigma. Ovary means egg. It contains placenta known as ovules. Ovule develops in a chamber which is known as locule. The ovules are born inside of the ovaries. The style is a long stalk. Pollen tubes grow through this style to reach the ovary. Stigma represents the tip of the style. It receives all the pollen grains. It is sticky to allow adequate pollen attachment to the surface. Stigma and style can be variable in length and shape. These are involved in self incompatibility reactions. This ensures that there is no fertilization between the same plant itself.
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Note: Pistil contains- ovary, stigma and style. Ovary represents the enlarged basal portion. This transforms into fruit. Style is the pillar like stalk and the style represents the tip where the pollen is attached.