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What is the middle of a flower called?

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Hint: A flower is a reproductive structure found in flowering plants with the function of facilitating reproduction, mostly by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate both asexual (self-pollinating) and sexual (fusion of sperm and eggs) modes of reproduction in plants.

Complete answer:
The main flower parts include the male part called the stamen which has two parts called the anthers and filaments and the female part called the pistil. The anthers which are held by a filament, carry the pollen which is generally yellow in colour. The pistil which is the middle part of a flower has three parts: stigma, style, and ovary.

The stigma, which is the sticky part at the top of the pistil traps and holds the pollen. Style holds up the stigma and leads down to the ovary which contains the ovules. Other parts are the petals and sepals which are important to a flower. Petals attract pollinators and vectors carrying the pollen grains. The sepals are the green petal-like structures present at the base of the flower which helps protect the developing bud.

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The pistil is present in the middle of a flower.

Note: Flowers can have either all male parts, all-female parts, called the imperfect or a combination called the perfect. In addition to helping the plant with reproduction, flowers are admired by humans for the beauty they add to the environment.