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What is the volume of the square?

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint: We are given a square and we have to find its volume. Square is two dimensional and has equal length along its length and breadth. And so, if we have to find the volume of the square then we have to add an additional parameter, which is, the height which is also of the same length as the length and the breadth. So, the volume of the square cannot be determined.

Complete answer:
According to the given question, we are asked to find the volume of a square.
A square is a two dimensional figure with the same length both along its length and its breadth. To find the volume of the square, we will have to add an additional parameter to the square and that would be its height. And so the figure that we now obtain is a cube.
But the question asks us specifically about the volume of a square and which is not possible.
Cube is a three dimensional figure. We know that, in a cube all the sides have the same length. And so the volume of the cube will be \[sid{{e}^{3}}\].
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For example – a square of side \[2cm\] is given and we have to find its volume.
We have, \[side=2cm\]
So, volume = \[{{(2cm)}^{3}}=8c{{m}^{3}}\]
Therefore, the volume of the cube = \[side\times side\times side\] = \[sid{{e}^{3}}\] and that volume of square cannot be determined.

Note: A square, when added an extra parameter such as height becomes a cube, a 3 – dimensional figure. And a rectangle, when added an extra parameter such as height becomes a cuboid, a 3 – dimensional figure.
Volume of cube = \[side\times side\times side\] = \[sid{{e}^{3}}\]
Volume of cuboid = \[l\times b\times h\]
These are similar and yet so different and should not be confused.