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Which climatic zone of the Earth has more animals and why?

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
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Hint: The distribution of different types of flora and fauna depends on the climatic as well as other environmental factors. The tropical rainforests harbors the highest biodiversity on earth.

Completed answer:
The earth is divided into different climatic zones and the main cause of the different climate are latitude, elevation, currents, closeness to water bodies and terrain.

- On the basis of differences in climatic conditions, there are three climatic zones on the Earth, namely the tropical zone, the temperate zone and the frigid zone. The frigid zone experiences extreme cold climates and remains frozen almost all throughout the year. The flora is restricted to growth in less winter months and important animals are polar bears, and other animals which can survive extreme cold conditions.

- Close towards the equator, the temperate zone which receives considerably colder climates. As it gets closer to the equator, the temperature and amount of rainfall increases, making the climate hot and humid. This region is the torrid zone. It receives direct rays of sun and experiences heavy rainfall all throughout the year. The climatic conditions support the growth and survival of a large variety of flora and fauna and most of the rainforests of the world occur in this climatic belt.

- Zebra, lion, jaguar, cheetah etc are some examples of animals found in the torrid zone. as well as many birds are also found in this torrid zone like hawks, eagles, etc. Other animals like deer, squirrels, bison are also found in this Torrid Zone. The animal diversity is quite rich in this zone as the environment supports development and growth of different flora and fauna.

- The Torrid Zone has several features like rainfall, large number of plants and trees and a suitable temperature. This helps various animal species to freely live in these areas. The large amount of trees and plants helps to maintain a particular ecosystem of that area. This also helps many animals to live within these areas with abundant food.

- The temperature of these areas is warm and humid and also moist all around the year. This place is hence, most suitable for animals to live in as plenty of food is present and habitats are suited for good growth and development.

Note: Most of the tropical rainforest lie in the torrid or tropical zone. This is the reason that almost half of the entire populations of animal species are found within this zone.