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Which is not a micronutrient?
A) P
B) Cu
C) Zn
D) Mo

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint:Micronutrients are those minerals and vitamins which our body needs in smaller amounts. And on the other hand, Macronutrients are those nutrients which are required in larger amounts by plants and other living organisms.

Complete answer:
>Nutrients are the important compounds ,which plants need in them to germinate, grow, fight off diseases and pests and to reproduce.
>These nutrients elements are of two types based on their quantitative requirements :
>Macronutrients - The micronutrients also include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, “phosphorus”, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Of these, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are mainly obtained from Carbon dioxide and water, while the others are absorbed from the soil as mineral nutrition.
>Micronutrients- These also called trace elements are needed in very small amounts. These nutrients are iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, boron, chlorine and nickel.
>Phosphorus is a macronutrient not a micronutrient.
>Phosphorus is absorbed by the plants from soil in the form of phosphate ions (either as H,PO, or HPO ). >Phosphorus can be found in certain proteins, cell membranes, all nucleic acids and nucleotides, and is required for all phosphorylation reactions.
>Copper, zinc and molybdenum are micronutrients.
>Copper: It is absorbed by plants as cupric ions. It is essential for the metabolism in plants. Same as iron, it is associated with certain enzymes involved in redox reactions.
>Zinc: Plants obtain zinc as Zn_2+ ions. It activates various enzymes, especially carboxylases. It is also required in the synthesis of auxin.
>Molybdenum : Plants obtain it in the form of ions i.e. molybdate ions. Enzymes like nitrogenase and nitrate reductase contain molybdenum both of which participate in nitrogen metabolism.

Note:he essential element’s concentration below which plant growth is retarded is named as critical concentration. Deficiency of an element occurs when it is present below the critical concentration.
Various deficiency symptoms which may be seen in plants include chlorosis, necrosis, stunted plant growth, premature fall of leaves and buds, and inhibition of cellular division.