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Which step is not involved in the carbon cycle?
(d)Combustion of fossil fuels

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint During the process, water molecules in the plant tissues are removed from the aerial parts of the plants. Only a small amount of water absorbed by the plants is utilized in growth and development and the rest is eliminated.

Complete answer
During the carbon-cycle process, the carbon is circulated, transformed between living things and the environment. The consumption of non-renewable energy sources and breath ousts carbon dioxide into the climate which is fixed by the cycle of photosynthesis. Transpiration is a cycle wherein the dampness is conveyed from roots to the leaves and afterward, evaporation happens from the pores present on the underside of the leaves.

Additional information
Stomatal Transpiration- In this process, evaporation of water from the stomata of the plants. With the help of this way, most of the water from the plants is transpired. The water near the surface of the leaves changes into vapor and evaporates when the stomata are open.
Lenticular Transpiration
In the bark of branches and twigs, lenticels are minute openings. Lenticels are not present in all the plants. Through lenticels, a minimal amount of water is lost.
Cuticular Transpiration
It is the evaporation of water from the fingernail skin of the plants. The fingernail skin is a waxy covering on the outside of the leaves of the plants. Around 5-10% of the water from the leaves is lost through cuticular evaporation. During dry conditions when the stomata are shut, more water is transpired through the fingernail skin.

So the correct answer is ‘Transpiration’.

Note: The amount of water vapor present in the air at a particular time and temperature is expressed as a percentage of the amount required for saturation at the same temperature. When the rate of transpiration increases, the relative humidity decreases, and vice-versa. More relative humidity less is the transpiration rate.