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RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 22 - Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates


RD Sharma Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 22 - Free PDF Download

The rectangular coordinate system which uses ordered pairs to uniquely identify points in a plane (x, y) is one of the important concepts for Class 11 students. The ordered pairs show the position relative to the origin. The x-coordinate indicates the position of the origin to the left and right. The position above or below the origin is indicated by the y-coordinate.

The important questions of RD Sharma Class 11 Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates are developed according to the NCERT curriculum. All solutions to important questions are explained in a much-detailed manner so that students can grasp the concepts quicker without any doubts. The RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 22 Solutions are developed by the Vedantu experts after doing a lot of research on the concept and to provide a unique learning experience to students. 

Students can download a Free PDF of RD Sharma Solutions For Class 11 Math Chapter 22  Rectangular Coordinates from Vedantu platform to score good marks in their exams.

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Class 11 RD Sharma Textbook Solutions Chapter 22 - Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates

RD Sharma Class 11 Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 

Since the Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates is one of the most important Chapters for Class 11 students, let us recall some of the important topics from this chapter.

  • Introduction to the cartesian system

  • Plotting a point in the plane if its Rectangular Coordinates are given

  • Analysis of plots.

Chapter 22, that is, Brief Review of the Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates is very essential for the students of class 11 as the chapter deals with concepts that will be beneficial for students studying the syllabus of the next class. The chapter will also help students in entrance exams like JEE and more related exams.

Exercises in RD Sharma Solutions For Class 11 Math Chapter 22

Exercise Wise Details of  RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 22, that is, Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates 

Chapter 22, that is, Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates of Class 11 contains questions divided into three exercises. 

All These Exercises are Devoted to a Certain Pattern of Questions.

  • The first exercise of RD Sharma, that is, exercise 22.1 deals with building the basic concepts of students. The questions in this exercise mainly focus on finding the angle if points are given in the question and finding the points if the angle is given in the question.

  • The second exercise of RD Sharma, that is, exercise 22.2 focuses on finding the equation of the locus. All the variations that can be made on this topic are provided in RD Sharma so that the students can face any question that comes their way during the exam. 

  • Exercise 22.2 contains questions like finding the equation of the locus of points, axis, or the distance from the axis is provided.

  • Questions with various other combinations are also provided in RD Sharma.

  • The last exercise of RD Sharma, that is, exercise 22.3 contains questions related to shifting of the origin. The questions in this section are designed such that the students need to find the area change due to the shifting of the origin or find out the change in equation due to shifting in origin.

  • Each exercise of RD Sharma contains questions whose difficulty level increases systematically as the students move from the first question to another.

  • Solving questions in RD Sharma will require the students to have core knowledge about the chapter.

The Main Characteristics of RD Sharma Class 11 Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates

RD Sharma is one of the most popular books on Math which is recommended in most of the CBSE schools and is studied by most of the students across the country. The book has certain key features that make it stand out from the other related books. 

The Main Characteristics of RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 22 are:

  • It enables the students to prepare themselves in a better way for their exams.

  • The book will help students cross all hurdles that they may come across while studying the chapter, Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates.

  • All the questions of the book are dealt with illustrations so that it is easy for the students to understand the related concepts.

  • RD Sharma improves the method of preparation of students.

  • Creating customized study material becomes easier for students if they go through Class 11 RD Sharma.

Tips to Prepare for Exams using RD Sharma Solutions For Class 11 Math Chapter 22

The following tips will help students to score good marks while referring to the RD Sharma solutions of the Cartesian coordinates system.

  • Before attempting rectangular coordinates, first, brush up on the basics of the coordinate system and different x-y plots.

  • When plotting points on the coordinate system, first assign the x and y coordinates and later start with plotting the points. This is because if we mix up with x and y coordinates points we may end up with a wrong plot.

  • While joining points on the plot, use scale to connect the points so that the plot looks fine and tidy and can be easily understood by someone who is referring to our plot.


The RD Sharma Class 11 Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates solutions are really useful for students to score good marks in their exams. All the solutions are carefully prepared by the best faculty from Vedantu according to CBSE syllabus. The solutions to plot the graph are given in a step by step manner which explains all aspects of plotting a graph on a coordinate system. A free PDF is available on Vedantu platform which also has exercise problems so that students can gain more knowledge about the concept.

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FAQs on RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions Chapter 22 - Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates

1. What is a Rectangular Coordinate system?

In a plane, a Cartesian coordinate system is a coordinate system that uniquely specifies each point by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the distances to the point signed from two fixed perpendicular oriented lines, measured in the same length unit. The two-dimensional plane that consists of an x-axis and a y-axis forms the basis of the Rectangular Coordinate System. The two-axis are perpendicular to each other and therefore they divide the plane into four sections. These sections are known as quadrants and are numbered anti-clockwise.

2. What is the use of the Rectangular Coordinate system?

Plot points on a Coordinate Rectangular System are used in algebra to display a relationship between two variables in a rectangular coordinate system like maps that use a grid system to mark locations. The rectangular coordinate system is also known as the XY-plane or the coordinate plane. Also, the rectangular coordinate system can be used to identify points in a plane uniquely by using ordered pairs in the form of (x,y). These pairs indicate the position of points in relation to the origin.

3. Why is RD Sharma Class 11 Chapter 22 Solutions important?

The RD Sharma solution on the Rectangular Coordinate system chapter is created by an expert who has a lot of experience on the subject. So students are advised to download the free PDF from Vedantu to score good marks in their exams. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 22 are very essential as these solutions cover all the important concepts regarding the chapter. These solutions also act as revision notes for the students which they can go through easily just before their exams.

4. What are the topics covered in RD Sharma Class 11 Math Chapter 22?

Chapter 22, that is, Brief Review of the Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates of Class 11 is an essential chapter. RD Sharma covers all topics related to the chapter including revision of the concepts studied in the previous class, formula to calculate the distance between two points on a cartesian system, area of a triangle, centroid, in-center of a circle, ex-center of a circle, locus, equation of a locus and shifting of origin. All these topics are well defined in the solutions along with illustrations so that the students can understand concepts well.The Students can easily download these quality study materials on the website of Vedantu.

5. What are certain tips that can help me solve RD Sharma Class 11 Math Chapter 22?

Chapter 22, that is, Brief Review of Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates of Class 11 is a very simple chapter if dealt with properly. The students should follow certain tips that can help them perform better in questions related to this chapter:

  • Try remembering all the formulae dealt with in the chapter

  • Practice questions related to area of triangle thoroughly

  • Remember which formula is to be used in which situation

  • Study terminologies well as they can be asked in small theoretical questions.