Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Solutions Chapter 21 - Areas of Bounded Regions
1. How to determine the Areas of Bounded Regions?
The area of a bounded region can be determined directly by evaluating a definite integral of a graph of a function, the x‐axis, and two vertical boundaries.
2. How important is the Area of bounded regions for class 12 students?
In order to measure regions of different geometrical figures, including triangles, rectangles, trapezia and circles, we have studied formulas. The elementary geometry formulae allow us to calculate the areas of several simple figures. They are, however, insufficient for the measurement of the areas enclosed by curves. We have to analyze the field of bounded regions using certain Integral Calculus definitions for that.
3. Where can I find the RD Sharma Class 12 Areas of Bounded Regions Solutions?
Students can find a free PDF of RD Sharma Class 12 Chapter 21 Solutions from the Vedantu platform which are developed according to the NCERT curriculum.
4. How long will it take for students of Class 12 to solve all the exercises of Chapter Areas of bounded regions of RD Sharma?
The Chapter Areas of bounded regions of Class 12 consists of 5 exercises in total in RD Sharma. Each exercise has 29, 5, 51, 4, and 33 questions in order. So it will take a minimum of 7 to 8 hours for students to solve all the questions. Therefore, It is advisable to complete this Chapter in parts.
5. Why is it so important to cover the Chapter Area of bounded regions when the syllabus is so vast with lots of questions?
The Chapter Area of Bounded regions is indeed a big Chapter to complete. But the truth is that in the marking scheme, this Chapter is a part of the topic Calculus, which holds a weightage of 35 marks in the exam. So instead of considering this as a time-consuming Chapter, students can consider it as a bonus of scoring high marks. Also, to make your learning fun visit Vedantu to download all the keynotes to revise and start solving the exercise.
6. How to prepare for the Chapter Area of Bounded Regions if I am weak at Maths?
First things first, solve NCERT questions to understand and cover the basics of the Chapter Area of Bounded Regions. Once completed, then shift your focus to the key notes and revision notes available at to brush up on all that is required. After that, try to solve RD Sharma and understand the depth of each question. Lastly, solve previous year’s questions on this topic to gain confidence. Check your mistakes and track your progress. And voila, you made it!