RD Sharma Solutions to Class 12
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 22 - Differential Equations (Ex 22.8) Exercise 22.8 - Free PDF
1. What is a differential equation?
A differential equation is an equation that contains an independent variable, a dependent variable, derivatives of the dependent variable concerning the independent variable, and a constant. There are many types of differential equations. Find them listed below:
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Linear Differential Equations
Nonlinear differential equations
Homogeneous Differential Equations
Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations
To simulate the behaviour of complex systems, differential equations are used. The mathematical theory of differential equations evolved in tandem with the sciences that gave rise to the equations and where the results were applied.
2. How is RD Sharma Class 12 Chapter 22 - Differential Equations (EX - 22.8) helpful for me?
The RD Sharma Class 12 Chapter 22 - Differential Equations is helpful for you as it will help you further clear your concepts. The exercise includes a very thorough explanation of each problem in an understandable manner. Referring to these solutions will help you assess where you’re lacking. And if not, then it will help you gain confidence in your preparation. Only NCERT isn’t enough when you’re preparing to take your class twelfth Maths exam. So, RD Sharma Solutions are here to help you.
3. What is a partial differential equation?
A partial differential equation (or PDE for short) is a mathematical equation having two or more independent variables, an unknown function (depending on those variables), and partial derivatives of the unknown function concerning the independent variables. The highest derivative involved in a partial differential equation determines its order. When a partial differential equation is substituted into it, a solution (or a particular solution) is a function that solves the equation or, in other words, turns it into an identity. If a solution contains all particular solutions to the problem in question, it is referred to as generic.
4. Where can I find other resources to learn more about the chapter differential equations?
You can find many other resources other than RD Sharma Solutions on the website or app. These resources charge no fee at all. And can be availed by anyone at any point in time. The resources include last years’ question papers, comprehensive notes, practice sheets, RD Sharma Solutions for other exercises. You can also contact us with your problems and queries and our experts will get back to you with solutions. These resources will definitely help you ace your class twelfth math board exam.
5. What are the applications of differential equations?
Differential equations are used in a variety of domains, including applied mathematics, science, and engineering. They are used to solve a variety of real-world challenges in addition to technical applications. Let's look at some real-time differential equation applications.
Differential equations are used to describe the growth and decay of various exponential functions.
They can also be used to describe how a return on investment changes over time.
They're employed in a medical study to model cancer growth and disease spread across the body.
It can also be used to describe the movement of electricity.
They assist economists in determining the most effective investment options.
These equations can also be used to describe the motion of waves or a pendulum.