RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 30 - Linear programming (Ex 30.5) Exercise 30.5 - Free PDF
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 30 - Linear programming (Ex 30.5) Exercise 30.5
1. What are the different types of Linear Programming questions?
Chapter 30 of Class 12 RD Sharma Solutions have a few important Linear Programming questions such as:
Manufacturing Question - In such a Linear Programming question sum we determine two things:
The units of the different products that need to be sold or produced.
Machine hours required, warehouse available space, manpower required, etc. Maximisation of profit is the main objective function.
Diet Question Sums - the different types of constituents or nutrients included in the diet are determined in this question sum. Minimisation of the cost of production is the main objective function.
Transportation Question Sums - The costs of transportation that are required to be minimised under given constraints are determined in this type.
2. What happens when a feasible region of Linear Programming is unbounded in RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Chapter 30?
If a feasible region is unbounded then the optimal value may be maximum or maybe minimum in Linear Programming. We determine the optimal point, based on the maximum value that can be taken as M and if one half of the plane is opened which is determined by ax + by > M then there is no common point with the feasible region. Hence the maximum value of Z is M or M has no maximum value and vice versa for Z.
3. How will the RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Chapter 30 Linear Programming Exercise 30.5 benefit the students?
RD Sharma is a book that is specially designed according to the latest CBSE syllabus consisting of two volumes. The Chapters are arranged in increasing order of difficulty level. There are some unique features of the RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Chapter 30 Linear Programming Exercise 30.5 that a student must look into:
The RD Sharma Solutions consists of detailed theory with illustrations.
An algorithmic approach is considered while solving
There are a variety of conceptual questions and Exercises
The solutions are easy and understandable.
4. What are the advantages of Linear Programming for Class 12 RD Sharma Solutions?
The students must know that what they are studying will benefit them in several ways. Some advantages of Linear Programming are as follows:
LP makes sense and provides a better understanding of business questions.
The manager can choose the best solution with the help of LP by evaluating the cost and benefit of various alternatives.
LP provides a knowledge base for the full allocation of rare resources.
LP helps to make changes according to changing circumstances.
LP helps solve multi-dimensional questions.
5. What are the benefits of studying the RD Sharma Solutions Class 12 Chapter 30 Linear Programming Exercise 30.5 from Vedantu?
For students, the solutions by Vedantu are very useful for Class 12 Examinations. Every year new and more complex questions are asked in the board Exam. The RD Sharma textbook for Class 12 is very important for students studying the CBSE Board. Download RD Sharma Class 12 Maths Solutions from Vedantu now and learn.
See below for the key features of the solutions:
It is easy to understand the basics and concepts
Increasing Examples with figures.
Based on a detailed summary of some important concepts and formulas
CBSE Patterns Followed
Included in all Chapters and workbooks