RD Sharma Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 20 - Mensuration I (Area of Circle)
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 7 Maths Solutions Chapter 20 - Mensuration-I
1. What is two-dimensional and three-dimensional mensuration?
Mensuration 2D deals specifically with perimeter and region issues. The form is two-dimensional, such as triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, parallelograms, etc. Mensuration 3D addresses forms such as squares, cuboids, spheres, etc. Generally, the problems are based on volume and surface area.
2. Why is the chapter Mensuration needed?
Mensuration can be clarified as a measurement act. We all exist in a three-dimensional universe. In primary as well as secondary school mathematics, the principle of measurement plays an important role. In addition, measurement has a strong association with our daily lives. For both 3D and 2D objects, we learn to do so while learning to measure objects.
3. Who is known as the Father of Mensuration?
Leonard Digges is called the father of measurement. Through his writings in English on surveying, cartography, and military engineering, Leonard Digges was a well-known English mathematician and surveyor, credited with the invention of the theodolite, and a great popularizer of science.
4. Why is the study of Mensuration important?
There are many reasons for the importance of Mensuration.
1. When studying primary and secondary school mathematics the principle of measurement is vital and mensuration helps us understand measurements and because of it we can measure objects and spaces with far more accuracy. Measurement hence plays a very important role in our daily life. Without Mensuration it would be difficult to quantify things like parameters, areas, surface, length and depth. Mensuration helps us define and quantify data in relation to objects.
2. Many people have contributed to the study of menstruation but the most impactful of them all is Leonard Digges. He is an English Mathematician who is said to be born between 1515 to 1520 A.D. He helped to popularise science with his writings on Surveying, Military Engineering and Cartography. Leonard Digges is also claimed to have created a reflecting and refracting telescope as a way to survey over long distances said to be built around 1540 to 1559 A.D.
3. Mensuration is an important aspect of the Mathematical field and is practical for the world we live in. Mensuration in simple terms is the act of measurements and since we live in a three dimensional world it helps us calculate measurements for area and volume. Without Menstruation it would be extremely difficult to quantify measurements. We can see the practical uses of Mensuration in fields like agriculture, construction and packaging where it is extremely useful for measurements. Vedantu offers simplified learning for you to understand Mensuration easier.
4. Geometry helps us understand the properties of spatial attributes, properties and relationships in regard to various points of relation and lines of various shapes. Mensuration is the mathematical branch that makes us quantify measurements. It uses algebraic formulae to measure parameters, objects, length, breath, and area of geometric figures while geometry guides you to understand concepts like points, lines, planes, angles, parallel lines, triangles, similarity, trigonometry, quadrilaterals, transformations, circles and area. Mensuration is used to measure both 2D and 3D shapes.