Maths Solution PDF for Mensuration II ( Area of Circles)
FAQs on RD Sharma Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 21
1. What Does Basic Measurement Mean?
Measurement is the process of assigning quantities to items and their properties with the use of mathematics and the help of analysis and definition of objects and their interactions. Other types of measurement are more precise, such as determining a person's weight in pounds or kilograms, or their height in feet and inches or metres. To help with measurements there are different tools like scales and measuring tapes to help us get accurate information. There are four basic measurements - Weight, Length, Area and Volume.
2. What is the relationship between a circle's circumference and radius?
A circle's radius is a line drawn from the circle's direct centre to its outside edge. From the centre point, a radius can be drawn in any direction. The radius of a circle is half the length of its diameter, which is the line that divides the circle into two halves. A circle's radius is a line drawn from the circle's direct centre to its outside edge. From the centre point, a radius can be drawn in any direction. The radius of a circle is half the length of its diameter, which is the line that divides the circle into two halves. The equation for the circumference of a circle is revealed by the definition of pi. The circumference of a circle divided by its diameter equals pi.
3. What is the distinction between circles that are congruent and concentric?
Two circles are congruent if their dimensions are similar. The dimension can be determined as the radius, diameter, or circumference. There's a good chance they'll cross paths. The circles with a common centre point are known as concentric circles. It's recognised by two or more circles in the middle with the same point. An annulus is an area between two concentric circles with different radii. In simple words, concentric circles have the same centre and radius while congruent circles have different radii.
4. How is Mensuration and Basic Measurement different?
Measurement is the act of measuring an area or length of an object. This is mostly done with the help of measuring tools. Mensuration on the other hand is a branch of mathematics that uses derivation and algebraic formulae to measure objects with relation to Height, length, depth, area and volume. The basic difference between Mensuration and Measurement is that Measurements use the help of tools and Mensuration uses the help of math formulas. Although they might seem similar their procedures are very different.
5. What is the Purpose of Mensuration?
Mensuration is a part of mathematics. It is concerned with the measurement of geometrical figures and shapes such as the cube, cuboid, cone, sphere, and cylinder, among others. Surface area, volume, perimeter, and other parameters can be measured. When it comes to measuring shapes and figures, mensuration comes in handy. It works with both 2-D and 3-D geometrical shapes. It ultimately helps solve practical problems regarding area and depth. So whether it is building a bridge or storing chemicals, Mensuration has its varied purposes.