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The Rocking-Horse Winner Class 11 Notes: CBSE English (Woven Words) Chapter 3


English Class 11 Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s Class 11 English Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes helps students understand the chapter easily. The notes cover the author’s background, story synopsis, themes, and important lines and are designed to be easily understandable for students. Master teachers prepare them to match the updated CBSE Syllabus, ensuring clarity and relevance. The Class 11 English Woven Words Revision Notes offer detailed explanations and summaries, helping students prepare for exams.

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For future reference, students can download a PDF of English Class 11 Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary. The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence is a haunting tale about a young boy named Paul, who lives in a family that constantly struggles with financial insecurity despite their outward appearances of affluence. Students can download these notes for FREE from Vedantu's website, for more information and to get the notes, created as per the CBSE English Class 11 Syllabus.

Access Class 11 English (Woven Words ) Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes

About the Author

D.H. Lawrence (1895–1930) was born in a mining village near Nottingham in England. His father was a coal miner and his mother a sophisticated and ambitious lady who had worked previously as a schoolmistress. Their conflicting interests had a powerful impact on young Lawrence's physical and imaginative build-up. Lawrence wrote novels, poems, short stories, criticism, and miscellaneous prose. His work, at its best, is marked by intensity of feeling, psychological insight, and vivid evocation of events, places, and nature.


"The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence is a haunting tale about a young boy named Paul, who lives in a family that constantly struggles with financial insecurity despite their outward appearances of affluence. His mother, feeling unloved and unlucky, perpetuates a household atmosphere of anxiety about money. Despite his efforts to quiet the house's relentless whispers of "There must be more money," the financial windfall only intensifies the family's greed and dissatisfaction. Ultimately, Paul's obsessive quest for luck and money leads to his tragic death, underscoring the story's dark commentary on materialism and the elusive nature of happiness.


The central theme of "The Rocking-Horse Winner" is the destructive power of materialism and the illusion of luck. The story critiques the relentless pursuit of wealth and social status, illustrating how these obsessions can erode genuine human relationships and lead to personal ruin. Paul’s belief that he can secure his mother’s love through financial success highlights the misguided association between money and affection. Additionally, the theme explores the psychological impacts of parental expectations and the burden of familial responsibilities on children.

Character Sketches

Paul: Paul is a sensitive and determined young boy who desperately seeks his mother's approval and love. He is deeply affected by the constant whispers of financial inadequacy in his home.

Hester (Paul’s Mother): Hester is an attractive woman who feels deeply dissatisfied with her life despite her outward privileges. She is emotionally distant from her children and equates love with financial success.

Uncle Oscar: Uncle Oscar is a supportive and somewhat indulgent figure in Paul’s life. He is intrigued by Paul's ability to predict race winners and decides to become a partner in his nephew’s betting endeavours.

Bassett: Bassett, the family gardener, serves as Paul's confidant and partner in betting. A former Batman to Uncle Oscar, he is respectful and supportive of Paul’s abilities. Bassett’s seriousness about the betting and his loyalty to Paul reveals his belief in the boy’s extraordinary gift.

Class 11 Chapter 3: The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary

1. Young Mother's Unhappiness:

  • The story begins with a young mother who feels unlucky despite her privileges and attractiveness.

  • She marries the man she loves, but their love fades.

  • Despite having beautiful children, she doesn't feel love for them, which worries her.

2. Family's Financial Struggles:

  • The family lives in a nice house in a good neighbourhood with servants, but they struggle financially.

  • Both parents have incomes, but the husband's efforts are unfruitful, leading them to live beyond their means.

3. Constant Anxiety:

  • The mother feels like a failure due to their financial situation, and the constant worry ages her.

  • As the children grow and need schooling, the anxiety around money intensifies, manifesting as whispers from the house repeating, "There must be more money!"

4. Paul's Determination:

  • Paul asks his mother why they don't have a car, and she explains they are poor because his father has no luck.

  • Paul declares himself lucky because God told him so, but feels his mother doesn't believe him.

  • Determined to prove his luck, Paul searches for it within himself, riding his rocking-horse furiously.

5. Paul's Obsession:

  • Despite warnings from his nurse and sisters, Paul continues his strange behaviour.

  • Paul's mother and uncle Oscar find him riding the rocking-horse. Paul ignores his mother's scolding and continues.

6. Uncle Oscar's Discovery:

  • After stopping, Paul announces he reached his destination.

  • Uncle Oscar learns that Paul names his rocking-horse after real racehorses and has been betting on horses with Basset, the family gardener.

7. Betting Partnership:

  • Oscar, Paul, and Basset discuss their partnership in horse-race betting.

  • Paul sometimes is unsure about the winner but bets heavily when he is certain. They win big on Paul's tip.

  • Paul wants to use his winnings to pay off his mother's debts and stop the house from whispering.

8. Mother's Reaction to Money:

  • Oscar arranges for Paul's mother to receive five thousand pounds anonymously in yearly instalments.

  • Unhappy with the yearly instalments, she asks for the full amount at once. The family upgrades their lifestyle, but the whispers in the house grow louder.

9. Paul's Worsening Behaviour:

  • Paul becomes more obsessed with making money, and his behaviour worsens.

  • His mother encourages him to take a vacation, but Paul insists on staying for the upcoming Derby race.

10. Paul's Intuition:

  • It's revealed that Paul's intuition about the races comes from riding his rocking-horse until he enters a trance-like state.

  • Two nights before the Derby, Paul's mother finds him frantically riding his rocking-horse in the dark. He screams, "It's Malabar!" before collapsing with a fever.

11. Final Race and Outcome:

  • Despite Paul's illness, Oscar and Basset bet on Malabar and win.

  • Bassett informs Paul, who is excited but dies from his illness.

12. Uncle Oscar's Conclusion:

  • With Paul dead in her arms, Paul's mother hears Oscar say that while Paul is gone, she now has 80,000 pounds.

  • Oscar suggests that Paul might be better off dead than living a life dictated by his obsession with finding luck.

Learnings from Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes 

  • The Danger of Materialism: The story illustrates how an obsession with wealth and social status can lead to destructive consequences. 

  • The Illusion of Luck: The notion that luck alone can bring wealth and solve problems is challenged. Paul believes he can influence luck, but this belief ultimately leads to his downfall.

  • The Impact of Parental Expectations: The mother's dissatisfaction and desire for more money put immense pressure on Paul. Her expectations and the family's financial struggles contribute to Paul's tragic actions.

  • The Corruption of Innocence: Paul's innocent quest to help his family by finding "luck" through his rocking-horse leads to his tragic end. His pure intentions are corrupted by the adult world's greed and deceit.

  • The Destructive Nature of Unfulfilled Desires: The story shows how unfulfilled desires and a relentless pursuit of material gain can lead to self-destruction.

Importance of Class 11 English Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary PDF

  • Revision notes provide a concise summary of the poem, saving time during revision by highlighting the main points.

  • They highlight key themes and concepts, making it easier to understand and remember the importance of the chapter.

  • Important quotes and simple explanations are included, helping students understand and remember the material better.

  • The notes explain the characters and the story clearly, making it easier for students to understand the chapter fully.

  • These notes help quickly review important points before exams, ensuring that students are well-prepared.

  • The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary PDF covers the entire syllabus, ensuring that every topic is included and that the chapter is fully understood.


Class 11 Chapter 3 "The Rocking-Horse Winner" reveals how wealth and material success can lead to tragic outcomes. The story highlights the negative impact of valuing money over genuine emotional connections and personal happiness. Vedantu's study notes provide clear summaries and insights into the characters, helping students understand the chapter better. Ultimately, the story serves as a reminder that true contentment cannot be found in wealth alone, but rather in meaningful relationships and self-acceptance

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FAQs on The Rocking-Horse Winner Class 11 Notes: CBSE English (Woven Words) Chapter 3

1. What is the main theme of English Class 11 (Woven Words) Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes?

The main theme is the destructive nature of greed and the pursuit of wealth, and how it can lead to tragic consequences.

2. Who is the central character in the English Class 11 Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes?

The central character is Paul, a young boy who becomes obsessed with finding luck to help his family.

3. What does Paul believe will solve his family's financial problems, described in Class 11 English Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary PDF?

Paul believes that if he finds the right amount of luck, it will solve his family's money problems.

4. How does Paul try to find luck according to the Class 11 English Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary PDF?

Paul rides his rocking-horse furiously, believing it helps him predict the winners of horse races.

5. What role does the rocking-horse play in the English Class 11 Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Notes?

The rocking-horse symbolises Paul's obsession with luck and his intense desire to provide for his family.

6. How does Paul’s obsession with horse racing affect his health in the English Class 11 Chapter 3 The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary?

Paul’s obsession leads him to ride the rocking-horse excessively, which eventually causes him to become seriously ill.

7. What does Paul’s uncle, Oscar, discover about Paul’s betting activities in the English Chapter 3 of Class 11?

Uncle Oscar finds out that Paul has been betting on horses and has won a significant amount of money.

8. What is the significance of the horse named Malabar in the Class 11 Chapter 3 of English The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary?

Malabar is the horse Paul predicts will win the Derby, and it symbolises the culmination of his desperate efforts to find luck.

9. How does Paul’s mother react to Paul’s death, mentioned in the English Class 11 Chapter 3 (Prose) The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary?

Paul’s mother is shocked and devastated by his death, realising too late the cost of their obsession with wealth.

10. How does the English Chapter 3 Class 11 The Rocking-Horse Winner Summary end and what is its final message?

The story ends with Paul’s death and his mother receiving the money, but the whispers about money continue, highlighting that material wealth cannot replace emotional fulfilment or resolve personal issues.