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Uski Maa Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 7


Hindi Notes for Chapter 7 Uski Maa Class 11 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu provides CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) Revision Notes for Chapter 7, "Uski Maa," capturing the essence of the Indian freedom struggle through a touching story. This chapter delves into the sacrifices of young revolutionaries and the profound impact on their families. By studying these revision notes, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the themes, characters, and historical context, essential for your exam preparation. You can download the FREE PDF for comprehensive revision and check the CBSE Class 11 Hindi Syllabus for a complete guide to your studies.

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Access Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 7: Uski Maa Notes

लेखक के बारे में:

पांडेय बेचन शर्मा 'उग्र' (1900-1967) हिंदी साहित्य के प्रमुख लेखक थे। उनकी रचनाएँ सामाजिक और राजनीतिक मुद्दों पर गहरी दृष्टि प्रस्तुत करती हैं। 'उग्र' के नाम से प्रसिद्ध, उन्होंने कहानियों, उपन्यासों और निबंधों में भारतीय समाज की जटिलताओं और संघर्षों को उकेरा। उनकी लेखनी में स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की झलक भी मिलती है।


"उसकी माँ" पांडेय बेचन शर्मा 'उग्र' द्वारा लिखी गई कहानी है जो भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित है। यह कहानी एक वृद्ध माँ की है, जो अपने बेटे लाल को देश की आजादी के लिए बलिदान करती है। कहानी में लाल और उसके साथियों की गिरफ्तारी, मुकदमा, और फांसी की सज़ा का मार्मिक चित्रण है।


"उसकी माँ" कहानी का मुख्य विषय भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम और उसमें युवाओं का बलिदान है। पांडेय बेचन शर्मा 'उग्र' ने इस कहानी में एक माँ की ममता और देशभक्ति को उकेरा है, जो अपने इकलौते पुत्र को देश की आजादी के लिए बलिदान कर देती है। यह कहानी त्याग, देशप्रेम और संघर्ष की गाथा है।

चरित्र चित्रण:

लाल: लाल एक युवा क्रांतिकारी है जो भारत की आजादी के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। वह निर्भीक, देशभक्त और अपने आदर्शों के प्रति अडिग है।

लाल की माँ: लाल की माँ एक वृद्धा है जो अपने बेटे के प्रति अत्यधिक प्रेम और ममता रखती है। वह देशभक्ति में बेटे की बलिदान को सहर्ष स्वीकार करती है।

जमींदार: जमींदार एक धनी व्यक्ति है जो अंग्रेजी शासन का समर्थक है। वह लाल को समझाने की कोशिश करता है, लेकिन अंततः उसकी निष्ठा और साहस से प्रभावित होता है।


  • कहानी भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित है, जिसमें एक माँ और उसके क्रांतिकारी बेटे की कहानी है।

  • लाल एक युवा क्रांतिकारी है जो देश की आजादी के लिए संघर्ष करता है। वह अपनी बूढ़ी माँ के साथ रहता है।

  • पुलिस लाल के घर की तलाशी लेती है और पिस्तौलें, कारतूस, और खुफ़िया पत्र बरामद करती है। लाल और उसके साथियों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया जाता है।

  • सरकार लाल और उसके साथियों पर षड्यंत्र के आरोप लगाती है। अदालत लाल और उसके दो साथियों को फांसी की सजा सुनाती है।

  • लाल की माँ अपने बेटे की रिहाई के लिए सभी प्रयास करती है, लेकिन अंततः उसे बेटे की मृत्यु का सामना करना पड़ता है।

  • लाल की माँ लाल का अंतिम पत्र पढ़ने के बाद घर के द्वार पर मरी पड़ी मिलती है, जिससे कहानी का दुखद अंत होता है।

Points to remember from Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 7 Uski Maa

  • The story is set against the backdrop of the Indian freedom struggle, focusing on a young revolutionary named Lal and his elderly mother.

  • The police raid Lal's house, finding pistols, cartridges, and secret papers. Lal and his comrades are arrested and charged with conspiracy against the British government.

  • Lal and his fellow revolutionaries face a trial, resulting in Lal and two others being sentenced to death, while others receive long prison sentences.

  • Lal's mother makes every effort to save her son but ultimately faces the tragic loss of her only child, highlighting her profound sacrifice for the nation's freedom.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 11 Hindi Chapter 7 Uski Maa

  • Organised and concise notes facilitate efficient revision, saving valuable time during exam preparation.

  • Summarised key points in better retention and recall of information, improving overall learning effectiveness.

  • Highlighting important topics ensures concentrated efforts on crucial areas, optimizing study sessions.

  • Well-organised notes decrease stress and anxiety, boosting confidence in exam readiness.

  • Handy for rapid review before exams, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all subjects.

  • Regular note updates promote consistency in study routines, aiding in sustained learning progress.

  • Thorough and effective revision notes improve exam outcomes by ensuring comprehensive preparation.

Study Tips from Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 7 Uski Maa

  • Use Vedantu’s notes to gain detailed insights into the main characters and their roles. Pay attention to character sketches provided.

  • Vedantu’s revision notes highlight important themes such as freedom, justice and fight for rights. Focus on these themes for a deeper understanding.

  • Break down the plot using the summaries and synopses in the notes. Understand the sequence of events and their significance.

  • Vedantu’s notes explain the symbolism and imagery used in the story. Study these explanations to better grasp the deeper meanings within the text.

  • Ensure you download the FREE PDF of the revision notes for easy access and thorough preparation.


The story 'Uski Maa' offers a look into the lives of freedom fighters, depicting their struggles, and everything they go through. The story shows how people fight for freedom and how they want to become independent. Vedantu’s revision notes for CBSE Class 11 Hindi (Antra) will help you grasp the key themes, character motivations, and societal issues highlighted in the story. These notes provide detailed summaries, synopses, and thematic analyses to support your exam preparation. Download the FREE PDF to explore this powerful story and ensure a thorough understanding, aiding in both academic excellence and personal growth.

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FAQs on Uski Maa Class 11 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Antra) Chapter 7

1. What is the main theme of Chapter 7 in Class 11 Hindi Antra?

The main theme of Chapter 7 revolves around the emotional and political struggles during the Indian independence movement. It focuses on the sacrifices made by individuals like the young revolutionary, Lal, and the personal tragedy experienced by his mother as she faces the consequences of his activism.

2. Who are the central characters in the chapter, Uski Maa?

The central characters in the chapter are Lal, a young revolutionary fighting for India's freedom, and his mother, who is deeply affected by his actions and eventual fate. Lal's sacrifice and his mother's grief are pivotal to the story's emotional impact.

3. What events lead to Lal’s arrest and eventual fate in Chapter 7 of Class 11 Hindi Antra?

Lal is arrested after the police raid his home and find weapons, cartridges, and secret letters. He and his companions are charged with conspiracy and sentenced to death by the court. Despite his mother’s efforts to secure his release, Lal is executed, leading to her tragic demise.

4. How does the chapter, Uski Maa conclude?

The chapter concludes with a tragic ending where Lal’s mother, after reading his final letter, is found dead at their home’s doorstep. This poignant ending underscores the deep personal cost of the revolutionary struggle and the impact on those left behind.

5. How can Vedantu's notes help in studying the chapter, “Uski Maa”?

Vedantu’s notes provide a detailed summary and analysis of the chapter, focusing on key themes, character insights, and the historical context of the story. They help students understand the emotional depth and significance of the chapter, making exam preparation more effective and comprehensive. Download the FREE PDF for a thorough review and better grasp of the chapter.

6. What historical context is important for understanding the chapter, Uski Maa?

The chapter is set against the backdrop of the Indian independence struggle. Understanding the political climate of the time, including the harsh measures taken by the British government against freedom fighters, provides essential context for the chapter's events and the characters' actions.

7. What role does Lal's mother play in the story, Uski Maa?

Lal’s mother represents the emotional and personal sacrifices made by families of revolutionaries. Her role is crucial in highlighting the human cost of the independence struggle, as she endures immense suffering due to her son’s actions and the consequences that follow.

8. How does Lal’s final letter impact the story in Chapter 7 of Class 11 Hindi Antra?

Lal’s final letter reveals his thoughts and feelings before his execution. It serves as a poignant reflection of his resolve and the pain of leaving his mother behind, contributing significantly to the chapter’s emotional depth and tragic ending.

9. What are the key themes explored in this chapter, Uski Maa of Class 11 Hindi Antra?

The key themes include sacrifice, patriotism, and personal loss. The chapter explores the cost of fighting for a cause and the impact on loved ones, highlighting the emotional and social repercussions of the independence movement.

10. How does the chapter, Uski Maa reflect the broader struggle for independence?

The chapter reflects the broader struggle for independence by depicting the personal sacrifices and harsh realities faced by freedom fighters and their families. It showcases the courage of revolutionaries and the profound impact of their struggle on their close ones.