Revision Notes for CBSE Class 11 Maths Chapter 8 (Sequences and Series) - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Sequences and Series Class 11 Notes CBSE Maths Chapter 8 (Free PDF Download)
1. What are the 4 Types of Sequences?
The 4 types of sequences are:
Arithmetic Sequences
Geometric Sequences
Harmonic Sequences
Fibonacci Numbers
2. What is Sequence and Series?
A "sequence" is nothing but an ordered list of numbers. The numbers that are present in the ordered list are called as "elements" or "terms" of the sequence. When you add up all the terms in a sequence, you get a "series"; the addition, as well as the resulting value, is called the "sum" or "summation." For example, the sequence "1, 2, 3, 4" contains the terms "1", "2", "3", and "4"; the corresponding series is the sum "1 + 2 + 3 + 4", and the series' value is 10.
3. How do I get the Free PDF of CBSE Class 11 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Sequences and Series?
Students can download the free PDF of CBSE Class 11 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Sequences and Series on Vedantu’s website which provides free PDF on different topics of Mathematics. The solutions and concepts are prepared by experts to provide top-notch learning content to students and is helpful for students to score good marks in their board exams.
4. Is Chapter 8 of Class 11 Maths tough?
Mathematics isn't as difficult as it seems. One can be a star in the CBSE Maths exam with excellent grades. You must solve all the questions from Chapter 8 of the Class 11 Maths NCERT textbook. You should also refer to Vedantu’s Revision Notes for Chapter 8 of Class 11 Maths. Mathematics can’t be mugged up as it depends upon your accuracy and precision. You should also solve previous years or sample papers available on Vedantu.
5. Which concepts are discussed in this chapter?
The relevance of sequences,' which play a key part in a range of human activities, is explained in chapter 8 Sequences and Series. In our daily lives, we encounter many examples of sequences, such as the human population, money placed in banks, the value of any product over some time, and so on. When a collection is arranged in such a way that its members are labeled as first, second, third, and so on, it is said to be listed in the form of a sequence.'
6. Write the first five terms of the sequences and obtain the corresponding series:
a1 = -1, an = an-1/n, n ≥ 2
a1 = -1, an = an-1/n, n ≥ 2
Given, an = an-1/n and a1 = -1
a2 = a1/2 = -½
a3 = a2/3 = -⅙
a4 = a3/4 = -1/24
a5 = a4/5 = -1/120
Thus, the first 5 terms we obtained are -1, -½, -⅙, -1/24, -1/120.
7. Are the Revision Notes for Chapter 8 of Class 11 Maths important for the students?
The Revision Notes for Chapter 8 of Class 11 Maths are important for students as Class 11 is the nurturing and base for future competitive examinations. Good grades will result in direct admission to prestigious institutions. Most examinations are based on NCERT and going through Vedantu’s Chapter 8 of Class 11 Maths Revision Notes is important for a better score in the examination. You can easily find the Revision Notes online on Vedantu. These notes are accurate and reliable. These are also great when you want to do quick revisions before the exam.
8. From where I can download Revision Notes of Chapter 8 “Sequence and Series” of Class 11 Maths?
You can download Revision Notes of Chapter 8 “Sequence and Series” of Class 11 Maths from Vedantu’s official website ( On this site, there are notes for all the chapters of Class 11 Maths. Visit their website to download the notes that are available free of cost, as these will help you in revising the concepts in Chapter 8 which you’ve studied. These notes will save your time before the exams as you will have all the important points handy.