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Play With Patterns Class 3 Notes CBSE Maths Chapter 10 (Free PDF Download)


Get Your Concepts Clear with CBSE Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 Play with Patterns Revision Notes

Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 introduces you to different types of patterns. Recognise the patterns given in the sets in the form of pictures and answer the questions given in the exercises. Get your concepts fortified by using the Play with Patterns revision notes compiled by the top expert teachers of Vedantu.

Find out how the experts have explained the ways to recognise patterns in the questions. Check the simple explanation of the questions and learn how to answer them easily. Prepare Play with Patterns by solving the worksheets designed by our subject experts following the CBSE standards.

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Also, check CBSE Class 3 Maths revision notes for other chapters:

CBSE Class 3 Maths Revision Notes

Chapter 1: Where to Look from Notes

Chapter 8: Who Is Heavier Notes

Chapter 2: Fun with Numbers Notes

Chapter 9: How Many Times Notes

Chapter 3: Give and Take Notes

Chapter 10: Play With Patterns Notes

Chapter 4: Long and Short Notes

Chapter 11: Jugs and Mugs Notes

Chapter 5: Shapes and Designs Notes

Chapter 12: Can We Share Notes

Chapter 6: Fun with Give and Take Notes

Chapter 13: Smart Charts Notes

Chapter 7: Time Goes On Notes

Chapter 14: Rupees and Paise Notes

Revision Notes Class - 3 Mathematics Chapter - 10 Play With Patterns


  • A pattern is a recurring arrangement of numbers, forms, colours, and so on. The Pattern can be associated with any kind of event or object. 

  • If a group of numbers is connected to one another in a certain way, such a rule or manner is referred to as a pattern. Patterns are also referred to as sequences. 

  • For example, 2,4,8,16,32,... these are related to each other in the sense that the next number is the previous number multiplied by 2.

Number Pattern 

  • Patterns or number patterns in maths are a set of numbers that follow a specific order. Number pattern for class 3 is classified as algebraic or mathematical patterns. 

  • For example: 1,3,5,7,9,....

Shape Pattern 

  • Shape patterns form when a set of shapes is repeated repeatedly. 

  • These patterns adhere to a specific sequence, or order, of forms, which is then repeated at least twice. For example, 

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns

Solved Example for Shape Pattern


Shape pattern of flowers

Shape pattern of flowers


Shape pattern of flower

Shape pattern of flower

In the above figure, if we observe, it is a repeating pattern, therefore after the 4 petals diagram, the full-grown flower is the successive pattern.


Shape pattern of Ice cream

Shape pattern of Ice cream



Ice cream

Ice cream

In the above figure, if we observe, it is a repeating pattern, therefore after the half-drawn ice cream, full ice cream with the eye is the successive pattern.


Shape pattern of Cartoons

Shape pattern of Cartoons




Shape pattern of Cartoon


Shape pattern of Semicircles

Shape pattern of Semicircles

Answer: If we look at the last semicircle given, it is the same as the first one. Therefore, the pattern is repeated.


Shape pattern of Semicircles

Shape pattern of Semicircles


Shape pattern of planets

Shape pattern of planets



Shape pattern of planets

Shape pattern of planets

If we look at the given pattern, it is a repeating pattern, therefore after the purple planet, the yellow moon will come.


Shape pattern of rotating semicircle

Shape pattern of rotating semicircle



Shape pattern of rotating semicircle

Shape pattern of rotating semicircle 

In this pattern, the hollow semi-circle is rotating clockwise, therefore the next hollow semi-circle facing upwards.

Pattern Varieties: In Discrete Mathematics, there are three types of patterns:

Repeating pattern: 

  • It is a form of pattern in which the rule is repeated again and over again.

Repeating pattern

Repeating pattern

  • In the above image, we can see that after each blue triangle we have two reverse yellow triangles, hence it has a repeating pattern.


  • If the numbers are in increasing order, the pattern is said to be a growing pattern. 

Growing pattern

Growing pattern

  • In the above image, the dots are increasing from 1 dot to 4 dots then to 9 dots, these numbers are squares of 1, 2,3 and so on, therefore these patterns are growing.


  • The numbers in the shrinking pattern are in decreasing order. 

Shrinking pattern

Shrinking pattern

  • In the above image, the blocks are decreasing from 10 to 8 to 6, since the numbers are reducing therefore we can say that the pattern is shrinking.

Even Number 

  • Even numbers may be split into two equal groups or pairs and are completely divisible by 2. 

  • For instance, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so forth.

Odd Number 

  • Odd numbers are those that cannot be divided evenly by two. It cannot be equally split into two independent integers. 

  • For example, 1,3,5,7,...

Ascending Order

  • When numbers are sorted from smallest to greatest, they are said to be in ascending order. 

  • For example, 91,92,93,94,.... 

Solved Example for Ascending Order

Ascending Order of certain alphabets

Ascending Order of certain alphabets



seo images

Ascending Order of certain alphabets

In this ascending pattern, the vowels are listed therefore, after A, E, I, O, U will come.

Descending Order

  • When numbers are organised from largest to smallest, they are said to be in descending order. 

  • For example, 99,98,97,96,95,....

Solved Example 1. 90,85,80,75,70,___,____,_____. Fill in the blanks.

Ans: If we look at the numbers, they are reduced by five. Therefore, the next three numbers should be 65,60,55.

Practice Problems

1. Observe the growing pattern and fill in the blanks: 

  1. 1,3,5,7,9,___,___,___.

Ans: If we observe the numbers here they are increasing by 2 therefore, the next 3 numbers are 11,13,15.

b. 2,4,6,8,___,___,____

Ans: If we look at the pattern here it is increasing by 2 therefore, the next 3 numbers are 10,12,14.

c. 10A, 11B,12C,____,____,____

Ans: In this pattern, there are two things to keep in mind. First, the numbers are increasing by one and the second are the letters are also increasing by one therefore, the next three numbers will be 13D,14E, and 15F.

d. 3,6,12,24,___,___,___

Ans: In this case, it is a growing pattern where 3 is added by 3 to give 6, then 6 is added by 6 to give 12, similarly 12 is added by 12 to give 24, therefore the next three numbers are 48,96,192.

e. 0,5,15,30,___,___,___

Ans: Here the difference between the first and the second number is 5, the second and third number is 10, third and fourth is 15 therefore, the next number should be 30+20, 50+25 and 75+30, therefore the answer is 50,75,105.

 2. Let’s have fun with patterns, mark the correct answer from the following.

Ascending Order of certain alphabets

Shape Pattern Question



Shape Pattern Question

Shape Pattern

Importance of CBSE Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 Play with Patterns

As mentioned earlier, this chapter explains the different types of patterns for the Class 3 standard. Arithmetic questions involving pictures related to patterns will benefit the students in the following ways.

  • Recognition of different patterns

Class 3 students will be able to understand the different types of patterns. Eventually, they will learn how to determine a pattern and understand the meaning of a question.

  • Developing logical reasoning skills

Students will develop logical reasoning skills by solving questions related to patterns in maths for Class 3. The questions will require comprehension of different patterns in pictures. They will learn how to concentrate and explain the existence of a pattern in every question with their logic.

  • Using geometrical skills

As we proceed deeper into the concepts related to object and number pattern for Class 3, we will observe that the problems contain geometrical shapes too. It helps the students to become better at recognising geometric figures along with other intricate patterns.

Download Play with Patterns Revision Notes and Worksheets

Get the free revision notes and worksheets for Play with Patterns PDF files to make your study sessions more fruitful. Learn from the expert approaches and solve questions of this chapter in no time by identifying the growing pattern in a question.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Play with Patterns Revision Notes and Worksheets

The Play with Patterns Class 3 worksheets and revision notes are designed by our expert panel of academicians based on the standards mandated by NCERT. The benefits of using revision notes and worksheets for this chapter are as follows.

  • Revise the entire chapter easily using the concise and precise Play with Patterns summary.

  • Understand the fun with patterns concepts from the simpler explanation given by the experts.

  • Recognise the type of questions asked using images of objects, geometrical figures, numbers, and letters.

  • Decoding secret messages by following the explanation of methods adopted by the subject experts.

  • Learning how to observe the pattern and fill in the blanks of the dedicated questions in the exercise and worksheets for practice.

  • Preparation is made easier before an exam using revision notes.

  • Evaluation of problem-solving skills using worksheets designed by experts.


For an enhanced comprehension of this subject, NCERT - Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 “Play With Patterns” thoughtfully prepared by experienced educators at Vedantu is your invaluable companion. These notes break down the complexities of Play With Patterns into easily digestible sections, helping you grasp new concepts and navigate through questions effortlessly quickly at the last minute as well. By immersing yourself in these notes, you not only prepare for your studies more efficiently but also develop a profound understanding of the subject matter.


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FAQs on Play With Patterns Class 3 Notes CBSE Maths Chapter 10 (Free PDF Download)

1. How can I recognise a pattern in a question?

Follow the notes given in the free revision files and check how the questions are framed based on the pictures. You will easily recognise a pattern.

2. How can I solve questions related to number patterns in maths?

Check how the numbers and/or letters are increasing or decreasing in the question. Try to identify the pattern and calculate to fill the blanks with the right answers.

3. What is the best way to complete pictorial patterns?

Check how the objects or geometric figures in the questions grow. Observe the trend in all the pictures and complete the following patterns.

4. What is the significance of CBSE Class 3 Maths Chapter 10 - "Play With Patterns"?

This chapter explores the fascinating world of patterns, helping students understand the underlying structures in mathematical sequences.

5. How can these Class 3 revision notes for class 3 Maths benefit students?

Class 3 revision notes for class 3 Maths provide a comprehensive understanding of patterns, making learning enjoyable and aiding in efficient exam preparation.

6. Where can I find the free PDF download for these revision notes by Vedantu?

You can easily access the free PDF download for "Play With Patterns" Class 3 Notes on Vedantu's platform, supporting convenient learning.