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Super Senses Class 5 Notes: Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 1


CBSE EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 Notes - Download FREE PDF

The Revision Notes for Class 5 EVS - Looking Around Chapter 1 "Super Senses" provide a clear and simple overview of the chapter, helping students understand the key concepts about the senses and their role in interacting with the environment. By covering important details and ideas about how our senses work and their significance, these notes make it easier for students to understand the material.  These Notes Class 5 Science Book Chapter 1 align with the CBSE Class 5 EVS Syllabus, ensuring they cover all necessary topics.

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The Class 5 EVS Revision Notes help students prepare effectively for exams by breaking down the chapter into manageable points. With clear summaries and key takeaways, students can quickly review what they need to know. Using these notes will make it simpler to remember the main points and feel confident about their understanding of the chapter.

Access Environmental Studies Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 Summary and Notes

Summary of Super Senses

  • Chapter 1, "Super Senses," focuses on how animals use their senses to interact with the world around them. 

  • It highlights how different animals have developed unique and powerful senses, such as exceptional hearing, vision, or smell, to help them find food, detect danger, and communicate. 

  • The chapter emphasises the variety of sensory adaptations in animals and their importance for survival in different environments.

Animals with Different Types of Super Senses:

Eagle: An eagle has good eyesight. It can see its prey from a far distance easily and plans an attack over it strategically.



Dog: A dog can listen to the faintest sound around it and have a good power of smell. The smell they sniff once they never forget.

  • Dogs mark their territory on the road. They can tell if another dog has entered their territory by the smell of its urine or potty (latrine).



Ants: Ants do have a keen sense of smell and the antenna-like structure helps them to reach the food quickly and identify each other whether they are from the same group or not.



  • The ants leave a smell on the ground as they move around. To find their way, the other ants follow the smell.

  • Some male insects can smell their females and recognize them.

  • Mosquitoes can detect one’s presence by smelling one’s skin. They can also detect us by the smell of our soles and the warmth of our bodies.

  • The majority of the birds have eyes on both sides of their heads.

  • Their eyes are capable of focusing on two different things at the same time.

  • When they stare straight ahead, both of their eyes are drawn to the same thing.

  • The eyes of the majority of birds are fixed and cannot move. As a result, birds must turn their heads to see around.

  • Kites, eagles, and vultures, for example, can see four times as far as we can.

  • These birds can see things that we can see from a distance of two meters from a distance of eight meters.

Do animals see colors?

  • Animals are unable to see as many colors as humans.



  • Animals that are awake during the day are thought to be able to see some colors.

  • Those animals that are awake at night can only see black and white images.

Sounds Send Messages

  • A langur, sitting atop high in a tree, warns others of impending dangers such as a tiger or leopard. This is done by the language transmitting a distinct warning call.

  • Alarm calls are also made by birds to warn of possible dangers.

  • Some birds even have distinct sounds for various types of dangers. If the enemy is approaching from the sky, for example, the warning call is different than if the enemy is approaching from the ground.

  • Electric signals are used by fish to signal danger.

  • When an earthquake or storm is approaching, some animals begin to act differently.

  • People who live in the forest and can observe such animal behaviour are aware of the danger.

  • Dolphins use a variety of sounds to communicate with one another.

  • Many animals, according to scientists, have their special language.


  • During certain seasons, some animals go into a long, deep sleep.

  • A sloth sleeps for nearly 17 hours a day while dangling upside down from a tree branch.

  • The sloth feeds on the leaves of the same tree that it calls home. It doesn't require much else.


  • It might look like a bear, but it's a sloth. Sloths spend nearly 17 hours a day sleeping while hanging upside down from a tree branch. 

  • They eat leaves from the same tree they live on and only move to a nearby tree when they've eaten enough. 

  • In their 40-year lifespan, they typically move between just eight trees and come down once a week to relieve themselves.


  • A tiger's night vision is six times better than the average human's.

  • The whiskers of a tiger are extremely sensitive, and they can detect air movement or vibrations.

  • They assist the tiger in moving in the dark and locating its prey.

  • A tiger's hearing is so acute that it can distinguish between the rustling of leaves and the sound of an animal moving across the grass.

  • The tiger's ears can move in different directions, allowing it to hear sounds from all directions.

  • Tigers make various sounds for various reasons, such as when they are angry or calling out to a tigress.

  • It can roar or snarl. Its roar can be heard for up to three kilometres.

  • Each tiger has its territory, which can be several kilometres long. Tigers use their urine to mark their territory.

  • The smell of urine can alert a tiger to the presence of another tiger in its vicinity. A tiger will avoid entering another tiger's territory.

  • One of the most alert animals is the tiger. Nonetheless, tigers are in danger today.

  • In our country, the number of tigers and other animals is declining.

  • There's a chance that some of them will vanish soon.

Animal Killings

  • Elephants are killed for their tusks, rhinos are killed for their horns, and tigers, crocodiles, and snakes are killed for their skins.

  • Musk deer are killed solely to extract a small amount of musk.

  • People who kill animals are called hunters and poachers.

  • Our government has designated some forests as protected areas to protect the animals.

  • Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand and 'Ghana' in Ghana are two examples.

  • Rajasthan's Bharatpur district. Nobody can hunt animals or destroy the jungle in these areas.

The Theme of Chapter 1 "Super Senses" - Class 5 EVS

  • The theme of Chapter 1, "Super Senses," revolves around the extraordinary sensory abilities of animals. 

  • These abilities help them adapt and thrive in their environments.

  • The chapter emphasises the diversity of sensory adaptations in animals. 

  • It showcases how different animals use their heightened senses—such as keen hearing, sharp vision, or a strong sense of smell—to find food, avoid danger, and communicate.

  • By exploring these unique adaptations, the chapter highlights the incredible ways animals interact with their surroundings. 

  • It also underscores the importance of sensory functions in their survival.

5 Important Topics of Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes


Important Topics of Super Senses


Special Sensory Abilities of Animals


How Animals Use Their Senses for Survival


Examples of Unique Sensory Adaptations


Comparison of Sensory Functions in Different Animals


The Role of Senses in Finding Food and Avoiding Danger

Importance of EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 Notes

  • Understanding Animal Adaptations: Provides insight into how animals have developed specialised senses to adapt to their environments.

  • Highlighting Sensory Diversity: Shows the wide range of sensory abilities across different species, fostering an appreciation for animal diversity.

  • Educational Value: Helps students learn about the role of senses in survival, food finding, and communication.

  • Enhancing Observation Skills: Encourages students to observe and understand the natural world through the lens of sensory adaptations.

  • Promoting Environmental Awareness: Encourages awareness of how animals interact with their surroundings, contributing to a broader understanding of ecosystems.

Tips For Learning EVS Chapter 1 Super Senses Class 5 Notes

  • Pay attention to how different animals have unique senses and how these help them survive. Understanding these adaptations will make it easier to remember specific examples.

  • Look at diagrams and images that show animal senses in action. Visuals can help you grasp and recall information more effectively.

  • Think of animals you know and connect their sensory abilities to the chapter content. This helps make the information more relatable and memorable.

  • Create short summaries of each animal's sensory abilities and their uses. This will help you review and retain the key points.

  • Talk about the chapter with classmates or family members. Explaining the concepts to others can reinforce your understanding.


The Revision Notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1, "Super Senses," provide a clear look at how animals use their special senses to interact with their environment. This chapter shows how different animals have unique abilities, like extraordinary hearing or vision, that help them find food and stay safe. It highlights the amazing ways animals experience the world and how important these senses are for their survival. The notes help students understand and appreciate the variety of sensory adaptations in animals and how these adaptations help them thrive in different conditions.

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FAQs on Super Senses Class 5 Notes: Environmental Studies (Looking Around) Chapter 1

1. How do ants behave when they are in danger?

When ants are attacked or their path is blocked, they start leaving a smell on the ground. It helps the other ants behind them to understand something is wrong. It makes them alert and they make a different path to continue what they are doing.

2. How do bees recognise each other?

Bees also have a significant smell. In fact, their smell varies from each other. They recognise each other by identifying the different smells and avoiding dangers.

3. Why do dogs sniff around?

Dogs like to mark their territory. They also leave a smell behind so that the other dogs can recognise the friendly ones. They can also determine whether they have entered others’ territories or not to avoid danger.  

4. What is the focus of Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 Notes?

The focus of Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 Notes EVS Chapter 1 is to explore the extraordinary sensory abilities of animals and how these senses help them interact with their environment. The chapter highlights various sensory adaptations that are crucial for survival.

5. How do the "Super Senses" of animals benefit them?

The "Super Senses" of animals benefit them by enhancing their abilities to find food, avoid danger, and communicate effectively. These sensory adaptations are essential for their survival in different environments.

6. Where can I find detailed notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1?

Detailed notes for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1, including "Super Senses," can be found in the Class 5 Science Book Chapter 1. You can also access the Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes PDF for a comprehensive overview.

7. What are some examples of sensory adaptations in animals?

Examples of sensory adaptations include the exceptional hearing of bats, the keen vision of eagles, and the strong sense of smell in dogs. These adaptations are highlighted in the Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 Notes.

8. How can I use the Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes for exam preparation?

The Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes provide a clear summary of the key concepts about animal senses. Reviewing these notes and using the Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes PDF will help you prepare effectively for exams.

9. Are there any visual aids included in the Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 Notes?

Yes, the Super Senses Of Animals Class 5 Notes often include visual aids such as diagrams and pictures that illustrate how different animals use their senses. These help in better understanding and retention of the information.

10. How do the Class 5 Science Book Chapter 1 notes differ from the PDF version?

The Class 5 Science Book Chapter 1 notes provide a structured overview within the textbook, while the Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes PDF offers a downloadable format that can be used for quick reference and revision.

11. Where can I download the Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes PDF?

The Class 5 EVS Chapter 1 Notes PDF can typically be downloaded from the Vedantu website which offers resources for CBSE students. This PDF includes all the essential information from the "Super Senses" chapter for easy access and study.