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Mangoes Round The Year Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download)


Prepare Well Using Mangoes Round the Year Chapter 4 EVS Class 5 Revision Notes and Worksheets

Chapter 4 of Class 5 EVS is about how food gets spoilt and preserved. This chapter introduces the students to the basic concept of the spoiling of food due to natural reasons. It also explains how some food preparations can be consumed for a longer period due to certain preservation techniques. As the name of this chapter suggests, the last section explains how a mango preparation can be preserved round the year using certain techniques. To understand these concepts, refer to the Mangoes Round the Year revision notes.

These notes are prepared by the subject experts to offer a precise Mangoes Round the Year summary to the students. Thes revision notes can be used efficiently to revise the chapter and prepare your syllabus before an exam.

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Access Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 4: Mangoes Round the Year

Summary of Mangoes Round the Year

  • This chapter aims to make us understand the food we eat, and whether it is safe to have it or not.

  • Every food in our ecosystem comes with an expiry date when it starts to get spoiled and it becomes inedible.

  • Different food items get spoiled in different ways and times.

  • For example, Milk can be stored for 2 days maximum but raw rice can be preserved for a longer period.

  • Fungus is a type of plant that cannot produce its food. It appears as a black, white, or green velvety layer on decaying foodstuffs, leather, and other materials.

  • These Fungus grows on bread mould when it starts decomposing.

How to Preserve Foods

  • Food preservation is the process of preventing edible items such as fruits and vegetables from spoiling. 

  • The foods' nutritional value, flavor, and color are all preserved. This is done to extend the life of the food product and make storage and distribution easier.

  • There are five methods of preserving foods they are as follows:

  1. Drying: Some foods are dried to keep them fresh for a longer period. dry fruits, for example.

  2. Refrigeration or freezing: Some foods are frozen to keep their flavor and nutritional value. frozen peas, for example.

  3. Pickling is another method of food preservation.

  4. Fermentation is another method of food preservation.

  5. Sweetening and salting: Sugar kills germs when added to food. Sugar enhances the flavor of the food. Jelly and jams, for example. By salting fish and other foods, they become dehydrated.

What Happens When We Eat Spoiled Food?

  • Food is a necessary part of life for all living things. 

  • It gives us the energy we need to go about our daily lives. 

  • It aids in the development of our immune systems, making us more capable of fighting diseases. 

  • This is why it is more important than ever to eat the right food at the right time. 

  • Microorganisms can sometimes grow on the food we eat.

  • These foods on which microorganisms are grown start decomposing at it become unhealthy and harmful for our body.

  • These microorganisms cause different types of diseases in our body like food poisoning.

Summer Treat – Mamidi Tandra

  • Mamidi Tandra: Aam Papad: A dried edible made from ripe mangoes. 

  • To begin, we must procure the following items from the market: a palm-leaf mat, coconut-husk string, sugar, jaggery, and casuarina poles.

  • We must construct a platform using a mat and casuarina poles.

  • After that, strain the mango juice from the ripped mangoes through a fine cloth to remove any remaining fibers.

  • Later, apply a thin layer of juice to the mat, spreading it evenly and allowing it to dry.

  • Later, cover it with a sari to keep it dust-free.

  • They keep adding layers to it every day.

  • A thick layer of golden mamidi tandra cake is ready after four weeks.

Practice Questions

Q1. What can we know from what is written on the packet?

Ans: The expiry date, manufacture date, ingredients used to prepare the food, price, and net weight are all visible on the packet.

Q2. What food items do you preserve in a refrigerator?

Ans: Pickles, milk, butter, vegetables, ketchup, ice cream, and other foods can be stored in the refrigerator. Look inside your refrigerator if you need more food.

Q3. Write 'T' for True or 'F' for False statements. 

  1. Germs grow in dehydrated food.  

  2. Boiling helps in keeping milk for 1-2 days. 

  3. Spoilt food gives a foul smell.  

  4. Expiry date on food packs is a useless information. 


  1. False

  2. True

  3. True

  4. False

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the box.

dust, muslin, green coriander, cooked rice, onion, drying, sweetening and salting, milk, sprouts, mangoes, ripe, unripe, sugar, fridge/refrigerator

  •  ............... can be kept fresh by boiling it. 

Ans: Milk

  •  ............... can be kept fresh by keeping it in a dry open place. 

Ans: green coriander

  • Mamidi tandra is prepared from ............... mangoes. 

Ans: ripe

  • Pulp can be strained using ............... cloth to remove the fibres. 

Ans: muslin

  • Fruits and vegetables in the home can be preserved by keeping them in the............... 

Ans: Fridge

  • Making jam is a way of preserving the fruits by adding ............... .

Ans: Sugar

Word Meanings

  • Mamidi Tandra:  In Telugu, Mamidi Tandra means mango jelly.

  • Frozen: As a result of being extremely cold, a liquid has frozen.

  • Muslin: lightweight plain-woven cotton fabric.

  • Microorganisms: an organism that is microscopic, particularly a bacterium, virus, or fungus.

  • Fermentation: the process of a substance being chemically broken down by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms; usually involves effervescence and the release of heat.

Importance of CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year

You might have seen how prepared food gets spoilt in due course of time. This chapter explains with examples how food gets spoilt due to the growth of various things in them. It uses the example of bread that develops dark patches.

It also teaches why we should not eat stale food with examples. We also find out some food items are stored for the whole year and can be enjoyed even if it is not the season. In fact, you will also learn what is written on the food packaging regarding manufacturing and best use time span.

Moving forward, the next section of this chapter tells us how mangoes can be eaten around the year. We all know that mangoes arrive in the market during the summer season. The technique used to prepare a mango sweet dish can let us eat it throughout the year.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Mangoes Round the Year Revision Notes and Worksheets

  • The chapter is explained in an easier way. You can use this simpler explanation to understand the concepts and reduce your study time.

  • Use the notes to resolve doubts on your own. Understand the fundamental questions related to food items made from mango and answer them accurately.

  • Learn why food items get spoilt in due course of time and how we can preserve them easily.

  • Proceed to solve the worksheets to check your answering skills. Refer to the Mangoes Round the Year Class 5 worksheet answers to gain more insights into the fundamental concepts. Learn how to formulate the best answers from these solutions.

Download Mangoes Round the Year Worksheets and Revision Notes PDF

Get the free PDF version of Class 5 EVS Chapter 4 Mangoes Round the Year worksheets and revision notes to complete your study. Become more efficient in answering exercise questions. Learn how the experts have explained everything mentioned in this chapter and find 5 sentences about mango that you can write easily.


Vedantu's "Mangoes Round The Year" Class 5 Notes for CBSE EVS Chapter 4 provide an invaluable resource for young learners to delve into the fascinating world of mango cultivation and its significance in our lives. This comprehensive and free PDF download offers a structured and engaging approach to understanding various aspects of mango farming, harvesting, and consumption throughout the year. With vivid illustrations and simplified language, students can easily grasp the concepts, making learning enjoyable and effective. Vedantu's commitment to quality education is evident through this resource, empowering Class 5 students with knowledge that extends beyond textbooks and enriches their understanding of the environment and agriculture.

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FAQs on Mangoes Round The Year Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download)

1. Why should we eat fresh food?

There are natural germs that grow on our food if we store them. These germs grow very fast and spoil the entire preparation. It can make us sick if we eat stale food.

2. How can we preserve mangoes?

According to this chapter, we can make a mixture of mango juice and sugar and dry it. This preparation will remain for a year to enjoy the taste of mangoes.

3. What do we check on food packaging?

We check the manufacturing date and the best time span to use the item on the food packaging. It tells us about the time span to use the items inside. 

4. How does controlled ripening help in making mangoes available throughout the year?

Controlled ripening is a process that involves subjecting mangoes to specific conditions, such as ethylene gas treatment, temperature regulation, and controlled humidity, to ripen them artificially. This enables the controlled supply of ripe mangoes even during their off-season.

5. What is the environmental impact of extending mango availability?

Extending mango availability may have environmental implications, as it requires the use of resources like energy for storage and transportation. Additionally, it may lead to an increased demand for water and fertilizers in commercial mango cultivation.