Prepare Well Using Mangoes Round the Year Chapter 4 EVS Class 5 Revision Notes and Worksheets
FAQs on Mangoes Round The Year Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download)
1. Why should we eat fresh food?
There are natural germs that grow on our food if we store them. These germs grow very fast and spoil the entire preparation. It can make us sick if we eat stale food.
2. How can we preserve mangoes?
According to this chapter, we can make a mixture of mango juice and sugar and dry it. This preparation will remain for a year to enjoy the taste of mangoes.
3. What do we check on food packaging?
We check the manufacturing date and the best time span to use the item on the food packaging. It tells us about the time span to use the items inside.
4. How does controlled ripening help in making mangoes available throughout the year?
Controlled ripening is a process that involves subjecting mangoes to specific conditions, such as ethylene gas treatment, temperature regulation, and controlled humidity, to ripen them artificially. This enables the controlled supply of ripe mangoes even during their off-season.
5. What is the environmental impact of extending mango availability?
Extending mango availability may have environmental implications, as it requires the use of resources like energy for storage and transportation. Additionally, it may lead to an increased demand for water and fertilizers in commercial mango cultivation.