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Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 9


Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Notes - FREE PDF Download

Class 5 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi is a moving story that focuses on the emotional struggles and helplessness of a mother as she tries to protect her child in challenging circumstances. The chapter highlights the deep love and sacrifices that a mother makes for her child, even when faced with overwhelming difficulties. Through this touching narrative, students learn about the strength of a mother's love and the challenges that many parents face. By providing a summary and analysis, Vedantu makes it easier for students to see the lessons and ideas in the Class 5 Hindi Notes. Students can download the Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 Notes PDF, making it simple to study and review whenever you need with the updated CBSE Hindi Class 5 Syllabus.

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Access Revision Notes for Class 5 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi

कवि परिचय:

  • प्रस्तुत कविता के कवि 'कुँवर नारायण' है। 

  • इनका जन्म 19 सितंबर 1927 को उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ था। 

  • इनकी प्रमुख रचनाओं में "चक्रव्यूह" और "कोई दूसरा नहीं शामिल" हैं l

  • इन्हें ज्ञानपीठ और पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित किया जा चुका हैं ।

कविता का सारांशः

  • कविता के पहले भाग में, कवि बताते हैं कि उनके पड़ोस में रतन नाम का एक लड़का रहता था, जो बोलने में असमर्थ था। 

  • वह रोज अन्य बच्चों के साथ खेलने आता था। यद्यपि वह शारीरिक रूप से अपंग था, वह एक साधारण बच्चा ही था। लेकिन उसकी स्थिति उसे बाकी बच्चों से अलग बनाती थी, और वह उनके लिए किसी अजूबे से कम नहीं था।

  • कविता के दूसरे भाग में, कवि बताते हैं कि अन्य बच्चे रतन से थोड़ा घबराते थे। उसकी बातों को इशारों में समझना आसान नहीं था, और उसकी सहमी हुई आंखों में जो बेचैनी रहती थी, उसे कोई भी पूरी तरह से समझ नहीं पाता था।

  • कविता के तीसरे भाग में, कवि वर्णन करते हैं कि जब भी रतन खेलता था, उसकी मां हमेशा उसके पास ही बैठी रहती थी और अपनी नज़रें हर समय रतन पर रखती थी। 

  • कवि यह स्वीकार करते हैं कि जब वे छोटे थे, तब वे रतन की मां की बेबसी को पूरी तरह समझ नहीं पाते थे। लेकिन अब जब वे बड़े हो गए हैं, तो उन्हें उसकी मां की चिंता और पीड़ा की गहराई का एहसास होता है।

  • कवि को रतन की याद तो आती है, लेकिन सबसे ज्यादा उन्हें उसकी मां की बेबसी याद आती है, जो हर वक्त अपने बेटे की सुरक्षा और भविष्य को लेकर चिंतित रहती थी। यह कविता मां की ममता और उसके बेटे के प्रति उसकी असीम चिंता का सजीव चित्रण करती है।

शब्द - अर्थ:



वाक्य में प्रयोग



जादूगर अचानक अदृश्य हो गया |



रतन हमारे लिए एक अजूबा था |



मेरे पास भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के सिक्के हैं |  


डरा हुआ

राम रात से बहुत भयभीत हैं | 



मां की आंखों में एक छटपटाहट सी दिख रही है l



सभी बच्चे रतन को निहार रहे हैं l



आज मीनू ने बेहतर काम किया है l



शुभम बहुत बेबस है l

5 Important Topics of Class 5 Chapter 9 you shouldn’t Miss!

S. No 

Topic Name


The Mother’s Struggles


Sacrifices of a Mother


Depiction of Helplessness


Moral and Emotional Lessons


Character Analysis

Importance of Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 Notes PDF

  • The notes PDF provides a concise summary of the chapter, making it easier for students to understand the emotional depth and key events in the story.

  • The notes highlight the important aspects of the story, such as the mother’s struggles, sacrifices, and the themes of helplessness and love, ensuring effective revision before exams.

  • The notes break down complex emotions and situations in the story into simple explanations, helping students grasp the underlying messages and moral lessons.

  • Available in PDF format, the notes can be accessed anytime, allowing students to review and study the chapter at their convenience.

  • The notes are designed to focus on the essential points of the chapter, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their exams with a thorough understanding of the content.

Tips for Learning the Class 5 Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi

  • Start by reading the chapter carefully to understand the story and the emotions involved. Pay special attention to the mother's struggles and the challenges she faces.

  • Write down a summary of the main events in the story, focusing on the mother's actions and feelings. This will help you remember the important details.

  • Try to connect with the emotions portrayed in the story. Understanding the mother's helplessness and love will help you appreciate the depth of the narrative.

  • Identify the moral lessons conveyed through the story, such as the importance of empathy, love, and understanding the sacrifices parents make for their children.

  • Refer to the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi notes PDF for a clear summary and key points. The notes will help you review the chapter efficiently and reinforce your understanding.


Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi from Class 5 Hindi (Rimjhim) is a touching story that beautifully portrays the deep love and sacrifices a mother makes for her child. Through the mother’s struggles and feelings of helplessness, the chapter teaches us valuable lessons about empathy, the strength of parental love, and the challenges faced by many parents. This story not only engages students emotionally, but also imparts important moral values. 

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Revision Notes Links for Class 5 Hindi (Rimjhim)

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FAQs on Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Rimjhim) Chapter 9

1. What is the main theme of Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi?

The main theme of Ek Maa Ki Bebasi is the deep love and sacrifices a mother makes for her child, highlighting the emotional struggles and helplessness she faces in difficult circumstances.

2. Where can I download the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi notes PDF?

You can download the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 Ek Maa Ki Bebasi notes PDF from Vedantu’s website, which offers detailed summaries and key points for effective revision.

3. How do the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi notes help in exam preparation?

The Ek Maa Ki Bebasi notes help in exam preparation by providing a clear summary, highlighting the emotional depth and key events in the story, and making revision easier.

4. What key points are covered in the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 notes?

The key points in the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 notes include the mother's struggles, her sacrifices, the portrayal of helplessness, and the moral lessons about love and empathy.

5. Why is studying Ek Maa Ki Bebasi in Class 5 Hindi important?

Studying Ek Maa Ki Bebasi is important because it teaches students about the strength of a mother's love, the challenges parents face, and the importance of empathy and understanding.

6. Can I access the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 notes PDF for free?

Yes, you can access the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi Class 5 notes PDF for free on Vedantu’s website, which provides comprehensive study materials for students.

7. How does the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 notes PDF simplify learning?

The notes PDF simplifies learning by breaking down the chapter’s key themes and emotional lessons into easy-to-understand sections, helping students grasp the content more effectively.

8. What lessons can be learned from Ek Maa Ki Bebasi in Class 5 Hindi?

Ek Maa Ki Bebasi teaches important lessons about the sacrifices parents make, the power of love, and the importance of empathy in understanding the challenges others face.

9. How should I use the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 notes for revision?

To use the Class 5 Hindi Chapter 9 notes for revision, review the summary and key points provided in the PDF, and reflect on the emotional and moral lessons of the story to reinforce your understanding.

10. What are some important questions from the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi chapter in Class 5 Hindi?

Important questions from the Ek Maa Ki Bebasi chapter might focus on the mother's actions, her feelings of helplessness, and the moral lessons about love and sacrifice.