Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 - PDF Download
FAQs on Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 Free PDF Download
1. What does in Unity in Diversity mean?
Here people from different cultural and religious backgrounds of the country came together to fight for our Independence which we achieved in 1947. When people from different backgrounds come together to fight for the same humanitarian cause, they are fighting as one. It was Jawarhal Nehru who coined the phrase "unity In diversity" and was able to unite the citizens of the country together. Nehru said that unity isn't imposed from the outside but it's something that is taught from within. People of different skin tone, religion, cultural background, all coming together to fight for the same cause shows unity.
2. What do students gain from studying about diversity?
Students that learn about these different cultures and how everyone is unique in their way. This allows for students to learn about various cultures and ethnicities, which will give them a different perspective. Students will learn not to go judge the people and will have a greater valued understanding of people's culture. By learning and understanding diversity, students will understand how the country came together to fight against the British so that they could win the country back. Students will finally understand the full sentimental value behind our Independence.
3. What do you understand about diversity according to Class 6 Political Science?
The meaning of diversity is to be different. There are different causes of diversity, like differences in geography, culture and history. Diversity refers to the tolerance, respect and understanding of an individual or the group he/she belongs to and towards other individuals and groups. Diversity teaches an individual the basic values of life that are required to adjust well in society. You can find the NCERT Solutions on the website of Vedantu to find out everything related to diversity.
4. What does diversity add to our lives according to Class 6 Political Science?
Diversity is necessary for us to live our lives to the fullest. We get to learn the basic values of life when we live in a diverse society. In our constitution, the idea of unity in diversity is discussed. In India, people from different religions, caste and creeds, and languages stay together happily and stay united as a country irrespective of all differences. Diversity develops our problem solving and adaptability skills. Diversity makes living more worthy.
5. Why is diversity necessary according to Class 6 Political Science?
Diversity is necessary because it teaches an individual to adapt and function well in different situations. It also teaches respect and the ability to understand the differences between individuals and the groups they belong to. This is with respect to language, religion, caste and creed. In India, we witness diversity everywhere, from geophysical areas to clothes, foods, cultures, and more. The constitution of India advocates for maintaining unity in diversity, which is, to respect the diversity, and contributing to preserving it, while being united as the citizens of a single country.
6. What is the summary of Chapter 1 of Class 6 Political Science?
India is a country where the people are very different from each other in terms of their languages, religions, caste, creed and ethnicity. Diversity begins with the very geographical area an individual lives in. It influences the food habit, way of cooking, clothing and many other things. That is why the lifestyle of a person from Himachal Pradesh will be very different from that of a person from Kerala. This is how different cultures have evolved. This chapter also discusses the importance of unity in diversity.
7. Is taking notes important for Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science?
Notes are important to score high in Class 6 exams. Notes help you to have a strong foundation by clearing all your basics and make you better prepared for the higher classes. Notes are especially necessary for Social Science because you need to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts in this subject. You will get an outline of the chapters from these notes. You will also get all the necessary information at a glance for revising before exams in it.
8. Write a note on the emergence of diversity in India?
India is a place of many languages, religions and cultures. It is so diverse - both in terms of culture and in terms of geography - that it is called the ‘epitome of the world.’ We examine the emergence of this diversity by looking at the histories of Ladakh and Kerala.
Ladakh is a scenic desert situated in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. Although the place is not suitable for growing crops, people here reared and still rear sheep and goats. These sheep were used to produce wools. Ladakh also acted as the gateway to Tibet. Traders came to Tibet through Ladakh and brought back spices and silk. It is through Ladakh that Buddhism came to Tibet. Later Islam too found its way into Ladakh. These historical incidents have shaped what Ladakh is today. Today people of varied cultures live in Ladakh - Buddhists, Muslims, traders etc.
Kerala was famous for spices. So Jewish and Arab traders came here. Then came the Apostle of Christ, St Thomas and was the one to bring Christianity to India. Many Arab and Portuguese came and settled here. It is because of these reasons that Kerala became a region bustling with so many cultures and religions. This is how people from all across the world came to India and called her their home. Today we have Dravidians, the Bengalees, the North Indians, the Gujaratis, the Marathis, the North Easterns, the Sikhs, the Muslims, the Hindus, the actors, the dancers, the soldier.
9. Write on India’s unity in diversity.
India has been the home to people of many cultures and religions. If India was a country with a uniform culture and language, then she might not have been able to protect herself from foreign attacks. A country with just one culture or language or religion is easy to subdue. In India, people of varied cultures protested against the British.
Today people of every culture contribute to her progress. The Sikhs protect the nation and feed its people. The Bengalees keep cultural activities alive. The Gujaratis and the Mumbaikars make India strong financially. The South Indians are known to improve the literacy rate in the country. The people of Odisha and North East keep the indigenous culture alive. The Kashmiris are famous for making Shawls that keep us warm.
10. How has your personal life been affected by India’s diversity?
India’s diversity has affected me in various ways like:
I have many friends who speak different languages and I have learnt a few of them too.
I get to enjoy many festivals because people around me celebrate Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Holi, etc.
I love the stories written by Ruskin Bond who beautifully paints the picture of Dehradun. Again, I love the rock songs sung by the North Easterns.
I feel protected to know that the bravehearts are patrolling the border along with the people from different states.
I know that I can choose from a variety of jobs when I grow up because people with diverse talents have set up offices in India.
11. What is the difference between diversity and differences in terms of equality?
Diversity is the differences in culture, language, caste, religion, habits and lifestyle of people. It is not harmful. Differences in terms of equality mean the differences in access to resources. Some people have good access to resources like money or education, some people don’t. The latter suffer because of that. Some people have so much money that they enjoy lavish lifestyles while some are so poor that they cannot afford a good meal twice a day.
12. Does diversity weaken a country?
No, diversity does not weaken a country. On the contrary, diversity strengthens the country. In the ancient days, it is because of the diverse nature of the people that the foreign attackers could not fathom how to subdue the people of India completely. Today, people of varied culture and talents contribute to the progress of the country.