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Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 Free PDF Download


Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 - PDF Download

In a country like India, where people come from very diverse cultures, it is essential to understand their culture and what it represents. Therefore it is one of the most critical chapters in class 6 civics. This chapter goes in-depth into why we need to understand diversity, the importance of diversity and how it impacts our daily lives. Chapter 1 notes provide all the necessary information that covers the entire chapter and helps students understand the importance of diversity and understand its relevance now. These notes will help students to study for the subject as it briefs the entire chapter and can help students during their revision.

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Access Class 6 Social Science (Political Science) Chapter 1 - Understanding Diversity

Understanding Diversity

  • People call India a miniature version of the world. Just like across the world you will come across people of different tastes, likes-dislikes, cultures and religions, in India too we come across various kinds of people. 

  • It’s a Beautiful Mixture of Similarities and Dissimilarities.

The Story of Sameer Ek and Sameer Do

  • The book tells a painful story of two Sameers.

  • One is a school-going student and the other is a newspaper seller. Every morning, the school-going Sameer is urged by the newspaper seller Sameer to buy his newspaper. A few days later they became friends. 

  • The newspaper seller Sameer has not been in the school ever. He does not know what a "subject" is. He proudly proclaims that he has been working since he was a little child. Yet he has not lost his smile. When he learns that the name of the school going boy is Sameer too, he finally says that the school goer is Sameer Ek and he is Sameer Do. 

  • However, a few days later riots erupted in his hometown Meerut. He looks visibly sad and reveals that he is a Muslim Sameer and all his family members live in Meerut. 

  • Next day, Sameer Do was not there to greet Sameer Ek. Sameer Ek never saw his namesake ever again from that day forth.

The Difference Between Sameer Ek and Sameer Do

  • The story of Sameer Ek and Sameer Do is a story of hope as well as sadness. 

  • Sameer Do is a newspaper seller who is a poor fellow who was not fortunate enough to enroll in the school. Sameer Ek goes to school and knows English as well. 

  • Sameer Ek is a Hindu whereas Sameer Do is a Muslim.

  • Sameer Ek was a native of Delhi whereas Sameer Do had his family in Meerut.

Caste System in India

  • In India, different people belong to different castes. 

  • According to the caste system, each caste is assigned a certain job. In ancient times, it had been mandated that people of a caste have to go on performing the work assigned to them. They can’t perform the work of another caste. 

  • This system creates inequality because the so-called “lower” caste people have to go on performing low paid jobs. 

  • So it was considered not necessary for a sweeper to learn rocket science because according to the caste system he has to go on sweeping.

Diversity & Inequality

  • Diversity is good and we praised it, but the story of Sameer’s shows that differences can be really bad at times. So why did we praise diversity then? That’s because there is a difference between diversity and inequality. 

  • Diversity is the differences in culture, language, religion, caste, tastes, clothing style, eating habits etc. But inequality is the differences in the resources that people have. 

  • Some people have enough resources to lead a comfortable life. But some people might not have enough resources like money, house etc to live a life of comfort.

  • These differences in resources are unwelcome. In class VII, you will read how sometimes diversity is related to inequality. But we should know this, diversity in itself is not bad.

Diversity in India

  • India is a land of diverse cultures and terrain. Not only the people but also the regions these people live have a huge variation once you move across India.

  • Before the development of trains, aeroplanes, bus, car etc people used to travel from one place to another through ships, horses, camels and also on foot. 

  • They used to move in search of new land or new locations or places where they could live and settle. Because travelling took a lot of time, they used to stay at one place for a longer period of time.

  • Some other people also had to leave their places when any drought or famines occurred and they didn’t have enough food whereas some people moved for work and some left because of war.

  • Thus, people used to adapt with respect to the new geographical area and this leads to diversity.

  • For example, Ladakh in the northern part of India has a cold climate and remains frozen in winters. The people of Ladakh follow Buddhism as their religion and their occupation involves cattle rearing and farming.

  • On the other hand, there is Kerala which is in the southern part of India and remains hot throughout the year. The people of Kerala follow Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Their occupation is farming too but the crops they grow are different from the ones grown by the people of Ladakh.

  • Even the terrain of India shows a huge diversity. The northern part is all mountains and the central part is all a plateau. There are deserts in the west and valleys in the east. There are beaches, mangrove forests, etc. according to the region you are visiting.

  • Though the two locations of Kerala and Ladakh are different from each other but at the same time they have some similarities as well. They both were influenced by the Arab as well as Chinese traders. The geography of the regions influenced their language, food habits, clothes, religions, trade, etc.

Unity in Diversity

  • Diversity is said to be the strength of India.

  • People having diverse backgrounds took part in the freedom struggle against the britishers. 

  • People united against the Britishers and won the struggle.

  • Song as well as symbols which are said to have emerged during this struggle acts as a reminder of respect for diversity.

  • The song mentioned in the chapter was written after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and was sung  in the memory of the brave people.

  • The National flag was used in the struggle against the Britishers as a symbol of protest.

  • The term “ Unity in Diversity” was actually coined by the first Prime Minister of the country i.e Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. 

  • Even the national anthem of India shows the unity of India despite being of diverse cultures. It was composed by a poet from Bengal i.e Rabindranath Tagore,who dedicated it to the people of India. The national anthem is respected by people all over India, irrespective of their language, culture or religion.

Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

What is Diversity? 

People come from various backgrounds which are cultural, religious, and from regional backgrounds. It is crucial to account all of this when we try to understand how different people around us enrich our lives. In a country like India, where every state has a different language and different cultures, we have more diverse people and cultures that make our country more exciting and different. Diversity helps us understand how various cultures influence each other and what makes each culture so different from the other.

(Image to be added soon)

Unity in Diversity 

The Importance of Notes in Class 6 

Class 6 is essential for students as it sets the tone for upcoming classes. Class 6 plays a very crucial role for students as it helps set the basics for students. It helps prepare them for the rigorous tone of upcoming grades, and so they can be better equipped. Social science civics can also be quite tough to learn by yourself and to help with that you can use notes. These notes will provide students with a basic outline of the chapter and also provide a complete summary of the chapter in a very brief format. These notes can provide students with a headstart into class 6 social science chapter 1 and give them a significant amount of information that will help them stay a step ahead of their peers. Students can use these notes as revision material when preparing for their exams so that they can quickly revise all the essential topics and ace their exams.

Understanding Diversity Chapter Summary 

Diversity starts with the geophysical area that the people are from, and it shows us their way of life. Based on the region people are from they adapt differently, like the food they gather, the way they prepare food, the way they clothe themselves based on the weather condition and so on. A person from the mainland will have a different life than the person born from near the sea. This is what makes someone different from another, and this is how people from different cultures. 

In chapter 1 of class 6 civics, they take Ladakh and Kerala and differentiate between the two regions and how people live differently. The chapter talks about the different agricultural practices, the different crops grown, the food is eaten, the type of clothes and how they get it.

The chapter also talks about its history of how each of the regions was discovered and the pivotal role it played in shaping the state's culture.

The chapter then moves forward by giving the importance of unity in diversity. With unity in diversity, there is strength, and that is what brings the men and women of the country together. This same strength brought the entire country together to fight the British and win the countries Independence. The British tried to divide the country up, but the country fought together, different freedom fighters ended up in jail, but all of them for the same cause. This freedom struggle shows no matter how diverse our cultures are, and it can still bring us all together when we want the same things.

Benefits of Class 6 Chapter 1 Notes 

There are various benefits by using these notes, and these are as follows -

  • These notes outline all the critical elements of the chapter and will help them study it much more manageable.

  • They provide a structural format with which students can study from. This format will help students to study faster as it covers all the important topics.

  • These notes are written by experts in the field and are cross-checked to see if it covers all the crucial parts of the chapter which have a higher chance of coming to the exams.

  • These are easily accessible online and are available 24/7.

Students can download these notes in PDF format at absolutely no cost, and study from anywhere and anytime. They can also access other study material on Vedantu for any subject. So, download and refer to the study resources and start learning!


Vedantu's Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes for CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 offer a comprehensive and valuable resource for students exploring the concept of diversity. Through their free PDF download, Vedantu has made quality education accessible to all, fostering inclusivity in learning. The notes cover essential topics, promoting a deeper understanding of diversity's significance in society, politics, and culture. By providing a well-structured and easily accessible study material, Vedantu empowers students to appreciate and embrace diversity in all its forms. As students engage with these notes, they are equipped to become more tolerant, empathetic, and open-minded global citizens, contributing positively to a diverse world.

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FAQs on Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 Free PDF Download

1. What does in Unity in Diversity mean?

Here people from different cultural and religious backgrounds of the country came together to fight for our Independence which we achieved in 1947. When people from different backgrounds come together to fight for the same humanitarian cause, they are fighting as one. It was Jawarhal Nehru who coined the phrase "unity In diversity" and was able to unite the citizens of the country together. Nehru said that unity isn't imposed from the outside but it's something that is taught from within. People of different skin tone, religion, cultural background, all coming together to fight for the same cause shows unity.

2. What do students gain from studying about diversity?

Students that learn about these different cultures and how everyone is unique in their way. This allows for students to learn about various cultures and ethnicities, which will give them a different perspective. Students will learn not to go judge the people and will have a greater valued understanding of people's culture. By learning and understanding diversity, students will understand how the country came together to fight against the British so that they could win the country back. Students will finally understand the full sentimental value behind our Independence.

3. What do you understand about diversity according to Class 6 Political Science?

The meaning of diversity is to be different. There are different causes of diversity, like differences in geography, culture and history. Diversity refers to the tolerance, respect and understanding of an individual or the group he/she belongs to and towards other individuals and groups. Diversity teaches an individual the basic values of life that are required to adjust well in society. You can find the NCERT Solutions on the website of Vedantu to find out everything related to diversity. 

4. What does diversity add to our lives according to Class 6 Political Science?

Diversity is necessary for us to live our lives to the fullest. We get to learn the basic values of life when we live in a diverse society. In our constitution, the idea of unity in diversity is discussed. In India, people from different religions, caste and creeds, and languages stay together happily and stay united as a country irrespective of all differences. Diversity develops our problem solving and adaptability skills. Diversity makes living more worthy. 

5. Why is diversity necessary according to Class 6 Political Science?

Diversity is necessary because it teaches an individual to adapt and function well in different situations. It also teaches respect and the ability to understand the differences between individuals and the groups they belong to. This is with respect to language, religion, caste and creed. In India, we witness diversity everywhere, from geophysical areas to clothes, foods, cultures, and more. The constitution of India advocates for maintaining unity in diversity, which is, to respect the diversity, and contributing to preserving it, while being united as the citizens of a single country. 

6. What is the summary of Chapter 1 of  Class 6 Political Science?

India is a country where the people are very different from each other in terms of their languages, religions, caste, creed and ethnicity. Diversity begins with the very geographical area an individual lives in. It influences the food habit, way of cooking, clothing and many other things. That is why the lifestyle of a person from Himachal Pradesh will be very different from that of a person from Kerala. This is how different cultures have evolved. This chapter also discusses the importance of unity in diversity. 

7. Is taking notes important for Chapter 1  of Class 6 Social Science?

Notes are important to score high in Class 6 exams. Notes help you to have a strong foundation by clearing all your basics and make you better prepared for the higher classes. Notes are especially necessary for Social Science because you need to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts in this subject. You will get an outline of the chapters from these notes. You will also get all the necessary information at a glance for revising before exams in it. 

8. Write a note on the emergence of diversity in India?

India is a place of many languages, religions and cultures. It is so diverse - both in terms of culture and in terms of geography - that it is called the ‘epitome of the world.’ We examine the emergence of this diversity by looking at the histories of Ladakh and Kerala.

Ladakh is a scenic desert situated in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. Although the place is not suitable for growing crops, people here reared and still rear sheep and goats. These sheep were used to produce wools. Ladakh also acted as the gateway to Tibet. Traders came to Tibet through Ladakh and brought back spices and silk. It is through Ladakh that Buddhism came to Tibet. Later Islam too found its way into Ladakh. These historical incidents have shaped what Ladakh is today. Today people of varied cultures live in Ladakh - Buddhists, Muslims, traders etc.

Kerala was famous for spices. So Jewish and Arab traders came here. Then came the Apostle of Christ, St Thomas and was the one to bring Christianity to India. Many Arab and Portuguese came and settled here. It is because of these reasons that Kerala became a region bustling with so    many cultures and religions. This is how people from all across the world came to India and called her their home. Today we have Dravidians, the Bengalees, the North Indians, the Gujaratis, the Marathis, the North Easterns, the Sikhs, the Muslims, the Hindus, the actors, the dancers, the soldier.

9. Write on India’s unity in diversity.

India has been the home to people of many cultures and religions. If India was a country with a uniform culture and language, then she might not have been able to protect herself from foreign attacks. A country with just one culture or language or religion is easy to subdue. In India, people of varied cultures protested against the British.

Today people of every culture contribute to her progress. The Sikhs protect the nation and feed its people. The Bengalees keep cultural activities alive. The Gujaratis and the Mumbaikars make India strong financially. The South Indians are known to improve the literacy rate in the country. The people of Odisha and North East keep the indigenous culture alive. The Kashmiris are famous for making Shawls that keep us warm.

10. How has your personal life been affected by India’s diversity?

India’s diversity has affected me in various ways like:

  • I have many friends who speak different languages and I have learnt a few of them too.

  • I get to enjoy many festivals because people around me celebrate Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Holi, etc.

  • I love the stories written by Ruskin Bond who beautifully paints the picture of Dehradun. Again, I love the rock songs sung by the North Easterns.

  • I feel protected to know that the bravehearts are patrolling the border along with the people from different states.

  • I know that I can choose from a variety of jobs when I grow up because people with diverse talents have set up offices in India.

11. What is the difference between diversity and differences in terms of equality?

Diversity is the differences in culture, language, caste, religion, habits and lifestyle of people. It is not harmful. Differences in terms of equality mean the differences in access to resources. Some people have good access to resources like money or education, some people don’t. The latter suffer because of that. Some people have so much money that they enjoy lavish lifestyles while some are so poor that they cannot afford a good meal twice a day.

12. Does diversity weaken a country?

No, diversity does not weaken a country. On the contrary, diversity strengthens the country. In the ancient days, it is because of the diverse nature of the people that the foreign attackers could not fathom how to subdue the people of India completely. Today, people of varied culture and talents contribute to the progress of the country.