Urban Livelihoods Class 6 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 8 - PDF Download
FAQs on Urban Livelihoods Class 6 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 8 (Free PDF Download)
1. Why do we need workers or labourers?
A society cannot run without workers or labourers. All the heavy physical works are done by this section of the urban population. Without their assistance, it will become hard for many businesses to run. Eventually, the entire societal and economical system will crumble.
2. Why do we need office workers?
Office workers are mental labourers. They use their skills to serve an employer and accomplish something meaningful as a team. This results in the development of urban settlements. Their expenses also determine the livelihood of other sections.
3. What is TMS in Chapter 8 of Political Science of Class 6?
TMS stands for Tawa Matsya Sangh which is a working fishermen’s federation that supports and fights for the Satpura forest dwellers of Madhya Pradesh. Tawa Dam was constructed in this region from 1958 to 1978 that destroyed a large agricultural area which was the livelihood of the farmers living in the same area. The control of the area rested in hands of the private industrialists when the government gave them the fishing rights of Tawa reservoir and they exploited the dwelling farmers. This led to the rise of the fishermen's federation TMS. TMS planned successful campaigns and fought hard for their rights. As a result, in 1996 the government handed back the fishing rights to villagers.
4. Where can I get important questions for Chapter 8?
You can refer to the Important Questions for Class 6 Chapter 8 “Struggle for Equality” available at Vedantu’s website. This pdf consists of important questions that are mentioned in the prescribed textbook. These questions are included after observation and analysis of the previous years’ papers. The current syllabus and marking scheme have also been kept in mind while curating these important questions and their solutions. You can download Vedantu’s learning app as well to access the important questions.
5. What topics are covered in Chapter 8 “Struggle for Equality”?
Chapter 8 “Struggle for Equality” is an important chapter for exams but is also one of the fundamental rights of citizens of India. Thus, learning about the concept of equality is necessary for students. Political Science Class 6 briefly introduces this chapter to students. The prescribed textbook includes some of the basic yet prominent topics such as Struggles for Equality, Tawa Matsya Sangh, and the Indian Constitution as a living document. Students must learn these topics thoroughly.
6. What do you mean by equality as explained in Chapter 8 of Class 6?
In history, it has been recorded that people are discriminated against on various grounds. Equality is the solution to this concept. For Class 6, equality can be defined as the concept of treating people equally despite the differences that may exist between individuals. No person should be discriminated against based on gender, caste, colour, race, or nationality. Each person should be treated with equal respect and consideration on the common grounds of humanity.
7. How many questions are there in Chapter 8 of Class 6 in Political Science?
NCERT has an exercise at the end of each chapter and the same pattern follows for Chapter 8 struggle for equality. There are a total of five questions at the end of the chapter which covers almost all prominent concepts of the chapter. But you can always practise more questions through Vedantu’s website that provides practise papers and mock test papers free of cost. They provide you with all the possible questions that can be asked from the chapter struggle for equality.