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Respiration in Organisms Class 7 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 6


Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Respiration in Organisms Notes FREE PDF Download

Respiration in Organisms Class 7 PDF Notes explores the essential process of respiration, which is crucial for the survival of all living organisms. Students will learn how different organisms, including humans, plants, and animals, obtain and use oxygen to release energy from food. Various types of respiration, such as aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and understanding their significance in sustaining life is covered. This chapter will help you grasp the fundamental role of respiration in maintaining the health and energy of living beings. Visit the CBSE Class 7 Science Revision Notes and CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus pages for more resources.

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Key Points about Respiration:

  • Respiration is required for living organisms to survive. 

  • It takes energy from the food and releases it.

  • Glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water with the oxygen we breathe.

  • In the process, energy is released.

  • Glucose is broken down in an organism's cells (cellular respiration).

  • Food is broken down by anaerobic respiration during strenuous activity when the supply of oxygen to our muscle cells is insufficient (without oxygen)

Types of Respiration

  1. External Respiration:

  • External respiration, often known as breathing, is the process of taking oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

  • Gases are exchanged in and out of the blood at the same time.

  1. Internal Respiration:

  • Food is broken down in body cells by numerous chemical processes during internal respiration.

  • Internal respiration is divided into two categories:

  1. Aerobic Respiration:

  • Aerobic respiration occurs when oxygen is present.

  • The end products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide and water. 

  • Aerobic respiration occurs in the majority of organisms.

  1. Anaerobic Respiration:

  • Anaerobic respiration occurs when there is no oxygen present.

  • The majority of microorganisms are capable of anaerobic respiration. 

  • At the end of anaerobic respiration, alcohol and carbon dioxide are produced. 

  • Lactic acid is generated at the end of anaerobic respiration in some circumstances.

Respiration in Plants:

Like other living organisms, plants respire to survive.

  • They take in oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide.

  • Oxygen is used to break down glucose into carbon dioxide and water, similar to other organisms.

Gas Exchange:

  • Plants have tiny pores called stomata on their leaves for exchanging gases.

  • Roots also need oxygen and take it up from air spaces in the soil.


  • Overwatering a potted plant can suffocate the roots, reducing oxygen intake and affecting the plant’s respiration.

Respiration in Animals:

  1. Breathing Under Water:

  • Organisms in Water: Many organisms, such as fish, live in water and need to breathe to survive.


  • Fish use gills to breathe underwater.

  • Gills are projections of the skin specifically adapted for extracting oxygen from water.

  • Gills are equipped with blood vessels that facilitate the exchange of gases.


  • Gills help fish absorb oxygen dissolved in water and expel carbon dioxide through a well-developed network of blood vessels.

  1. Lungs in Mammals: Animals like elephants, lions, cows, goats, frogs, lizards, snakes, and birds have lungs similar to humans for respiration.


  • Has small openings on the sides called spiracles.

  • Uses a network of tracheae (air tubes) for gas exchange.

  • Oxygen enters through spiracles, diffuses into body tissues, and carbon dioxide exits through spiracles.


  • Breathe through their moist and slimy skin.

  • Gases pass through the skin, which is vital for their respiration.


  • Have lungs like humans but can also breathe through their moist and slippery skin.

Respiration in Humans:

Breathing Mechanism:

  • Inhalation: Air enters through the nostrils, moves to the nasal cavity, then through the windpipe to the lungs.

  • Lungs and Chest Cavity: The lungs are located in the chest cavity, which is surrounded by ribs and a large muscular sheet called the diaphragm.

Movement During Breathing:

  • Inhalation:

    • Ribs move up and outwards.

    • The diaphragm moves down.

    • This increases the chest cavity space, allowing air to rush into the lungs.

  • Exhalation:

    • Ribs move down and inwards.

    • The diaphragm moves up.

    • This reduces chest cavity size and pushes air out of the lungs.

Feeling the Movement:

  • You can feel the movement of your abdomen by placing your palm on it while taking a deep breath.

Dealing with Particles:

  • Unwanted particles like smoke, dust, and pollen can be trapped in the nasal hair during inhalation.

  • If particles irritate the nasal lining, it can cause sneezing to expel these particles and clean the air.

The respiratory organs and breathing processes of animals such as cows, buffaloes, dogs, and cats are comparable to those in humans.

Key Learnings:

  • Respiration is crucial for all living organisms to release energy from food.

  • Cellular respiration involves breaking down glucose in cells to release energy.

  • Aerobic respiration uses oxygen, while anaerobic respiration occurs without it.

  • Breathing is part of respiration, involving the intake of oxygen-rich air and the release of carbon dioxide.

Important Topics of Class 7 Chapter 6 Science you shouldn’t Miss!

  1. Definition of Respiration:

  • Understand what respiration is and its importance for the survival of organisms.

  1. Types of Respiration:

  • Aerobic Respiration: Occurs with oxygen, producing energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

  • Anaerobic Respiration: Occurs without oxygen, producing energy along with by-products like alcohol or lactic acid.

  1. Respiratory Systems in Different Organisms:

  • Humans: Breathing through the nose, windpipe, and lungs.

  • Fish: Breathing through gills to extract oxygen from water.

  • Insects: Using spiracles and tracheae for gas exchange.

  • Earthworms: Breathing through their moist skin.

  • Frogs: Using both lungs and skin for respiration.

  1. Breathing Mechanism in Humans:

  • How the diaphragm and rib cage facilitate the movement of air in and out of the lungs.

  • The process of inhalation and exhalation.

  1. Respiration in Plants:

  • How plants respire through stomata in leaves and the role of roots in taking up oxygen.

  1. Breathing Under Water:

  • Adaptations in aquatic organisms like gills for extracting oxygen from water.

  1. Importance of Respiration:

  • How respiration is crucial for energy production and overall survival of organisms.

Importance of Chapter 6 Respiration in Organisms Class 7 Notes

Here are the important topics of Class 7 Chapter 6 Science that you shouldn’t miss:

  • Ch 10 Science Class 7 notes will help the students to know which are the important topics and help them learn them easily.

  • Notes on Respiration in Organisms Class 7 explain the concept of respiration by giving its concise and clear definition. The oxygen we inhale during respiration is used to break down the glucose into carbon dioxide and water.

  • Notes from Class 7 Science Chapter 6 will also help the students formulate their answers in the right format. These notes present the information in a pointwise format that students can use while writing their answers in the exams.

  • The chapter Respiration in organisms will educate the students about the respiration process in different kinds of organisms namely plants, animals, and humans. 

  • The revision notes also include points to remember about breathing. Factors like physical activity affect the rate of breathing and the process of breathing is different for different kinds of organisms are a part of the notes.

Tips for Learning the Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Respiration in Organisms

  • Understand Key Concepts: Grasp the basics of respiration and why it is essential for all living organisms. Focus on the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

  • Use Visual Aids: Study diagrams of the respiratory systems in humans, fish, insects, and plants. Visualising these systems can help you remember their functions better.

  • Relate to Real Life: Connect the concepts to real-life examples. For instance, think about how you breathe and how fish and insects have different methods for respiration.

  • Create Flashcards: Make flashcards for important terms like gills, spiracles, stomata, and diaphragm. This will help reinforce your memory of key concepts.

  • Practice with Diagrams: Draw and label diagrams of the respiratory systems of different organisms. This helps in understanding how each system works.


Class 7 Science Chapter 6, Respiration in Organisms, offers a detailed exploration of how various organisms breathe and the essential role respiration plays in their survival. From understanding the complex respiratory systems of humans, fish, and insects to grasping how plants and aquatic animals adapt to their environments, this chapter provides a comprehensive look at the diverse mechanisms of respiration. By employing visual aids, summarising key concepts, and connecting the material to real-life examples, students can effectively retain the crucial information covered. Regular review and practice will further solidify their understanding, ensuring a strong foundation in the study of respiration.

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FAQs on Respiration in Organisms Class 7 Notes: CBSE Science Chapter 6

1. Where can I find Class 7 Science Chapter 6 notes on respiration in organisms?

You can find comprehensive notes on Vedantu website.

2. What is included in the Class 7 respiration in organisms notes?

The notes typically cover key concepts like the types of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic), respiratory systems in different organisms, and the importance of respiration for survival.

3. How do I access respiration in organisms Class 7 PDF notes?

PDF notes for respiration in organisms can be downloaded from Vedantu.

4. What are the key topics in Class 7 Science Chapter 6 notes?

Key topics include the mechanisms of respiration in humans, fish, insects, earthworms, and plants, as well as the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

5. How can I use Class 7 respiration in organisms notes effectively for studying?

Use the notes to review and summarise important concepts, practice with diagrams and definitions, and make flashcards for quick revision.

6. Are there any visual aids included in Class 7 Science Chapter 6 notes?

Yes, the notes often include diagrams and illustrations of respiratory systems in different organisms to help visualise and understand the concepts better.

7. Can I find practice questions in the respiration in organisms Class 7 notes?

Yes notes include practice questions and sample problems to test your understanding and application of the concepts learned.

8. How often should I review the Class 7 respiration in organisms notes?

Regular review is recommended. Revisit the notes periodically to reinforce your understanding and retention of the material.

9. Are Class 7 Science Chapter 6 notes useful for exam preparation?

Yes, these notes are highly useful for exam preparation as they provide a clear summary of key concepts, definitions, and important points covered in the chapter.

10. Can I create my own respiration in organisms Class 7 notes from the textbook?

Absolutely! Creating your own notes from the textbook helps in better understanding and retention of the material. Use the textbook as a primary source and summarise the key points.