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Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Durva) Chapter 16


Hindi Notes for Chapter 16 बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात Class 8 Durva - FREE PDF Download

The chapter Budhi Amma Ki Baat from the Class 8 Hindi Syllabus tells a heartfelt folktale filled with wisdom, resilience, and hope. It revolves around Goma Mori, a farmer struggling through a long drought in his village. With each passing day, his hopes fade as his land and animals suffer due to the lack of rain. One day, he meets an old lady, Budhi Amma, who encourages him to trust in nature and continue ploughing his field despite the dry season. Her wise words inspire Goma to have faith and work hard. The story beautifully conveys the message that perseverance and trust in nature can bring positive outcomes, teaching young readers the importance of patience, hope, and doing one’s work on time. This chapter inspires students to believe in hard work and listen to the wisdom of elders.

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Access Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 : Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात) Notes


बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात एक प्रेरणादायक कहानी है जो एक किसान गोमा मोरी की संघर्षभरी जिंदगी को दर्शाती है। तीन साल से गाँव में बारिश नहीं हुई थी, और सूखे के कारण गोमा और उसके जानवरों को भूख और प्यास का सामना करना पड़ रहा था। एक दिन, गोमा को एक बुजुर्ग महिला मिलती है जिसे लोग बूढ़ी अम्मा कहते हैं। बूढ़ी अम्मा उसे प्रकृति पर विश्वास करने और अपने खेत को जोतने का सुझाव देती है, चाहे बारिश न हो रही हो। उनके विश्वास भरे शब्द गोमा को प्रेरित करते हैं, और वह अपने खेत की जुताई में लग जाता है। कुछ दिनों बाद, आसमान में बादल छा जाते हैं और आखिरकार बारिश होती है। बूढ़ी अम्मा की सीख और उसके धैर्य के कारण गोमा को मेहनत का फल मिलता है। इस कहानी से हमें यह सीख मिलती है कि हमें अपने काम पर भरोसा रखना चाहिए और धैर्य से इंतजार करना चाहिए, क्योंकि समय पर किया गया काम हमेशा फलदायक होता है।


इस अध्याय बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात का मुख्य विषय धैर्य, विश्वास, और प्रकृति पर भरोसा है। यह कहानी दिखाती है कि कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी हमें अपना कार्य जारी रखना चाहिए और परिणाम के लिए धैर्यपूर्वक इंतजार करना चाहिए। गोमा मोरी का संघर्ष और बूढ़ी अम्मा की प्रेरणादायक बातें यह सिखाती हैं कि मेहनत और विश्वास के बल पर हम किसी भी चुनौती का सामना कर सकते हैं। कहानी हमें यह भी समझाती है कि बुजुर्गों की सलाह और अनुभव हमारे जीवन में कितने मूल्यवान हो सकते हैं।


  • पिछले तीन वर्षों से गाँव में बारिश नहीं हुई, जिससे खेत सूख गए और पशुओं के लिए चारा भी नहीं बचा।

  • बिना बारिश के खेत जोतने का कोई मतलब नहीं होने के विचार से गोमा निराश हो जाता है और अपने कार्य को अधूरा छोड़ देता है।

  • एक दिन गोमा की मुलाकात एक बूढ़ी अम्मा से होती है, जो उसे प्रकृति पर भरोसा करने और खेत जोतने का सुझाव देती है।

  • बूढ़ी अम्मा गोमा को सलाह देती है कि प्रकृति का काम अपना समय आने पर होता है और उसे मेहनत से पीछे नहीं हटना चाहिए।

  • बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात सुनकर गोमा अपने खेत की जुताई करता है और धैर्यपूर्वक इंतजार करता है।

  • कुछ दिनों बाद बारिश होती है, जिससे गोमा की मेहनत रंग लाती है और वह खुश होता है।

  • कहानी से यह सीख मिलती है कि धैर्य, विश्वास और सही समय पर किया गया कार्य हमेशा सफल होता है और बुजुर्गों की सलाह अमूल्य होती है।

Points to remember from Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 : Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात) 

  • The story is about a farmer named Goma Mori who lives in a village suffering from a long drought. This means there hasn’t been any rain for three years, and his crops and animals are struggling.

  • Goma tries to plough his fields, but he feels hopeless because there is no rain. He worries about his animals, who are hungry and thirsty, and thinks that ploughing the field won’t help.

  • One day, Goma meets an old lady called Budhi Amma. She’s wise and experienced and gives him advice about trusting nature and not giving up.

  • Budhi Amma tells Goma to keep ploughing his field and have faith that rain will come. She believes that nature works in its own time, and one should do their work on time without losing hope.

  • After listening to Budhi Amma, Goma feels inspired. He returns to his field and starts ploughing with new hope, following her advice with a strong heart.

  • After a few days, clouds gather, and it finally rains. Goma’s hard work pays off, and he is grateful for the advice that helped him continue his efforts.

  • The story teaches us to have patience and trust in nature. It shows us the importance of doing our work on time, even when things seem tough, and listening to the wisdom of elders.

  • Budhi Amma’s wise words remind us that the advice and experience of older people can guide us through hard times and help us make the right choices.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 : Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात)

  • Vedantu’s revision notes make it easy to go over the main points of Budhi Amma Ki Baat without re-reading the whole chapter. This saves time, especially before exams.

  • The notes break down the story into simple language, making it easier to understand the main ideas, like Goma’s struggle and Budhi Amma’s wise advice.

  • Vedantu's Revision Notes highlight the important messages, such as trusting nature, having patience, and listening to elders, so you remember the key lessons of the story.

  • Using Vedantu's Revision Notes helps you recall the main points, making it easier to write clear and detailed answers in exams.

  • You can download Vedantu’s revision notes for free, allowing you to study anywhere and anytime, which is super helpful if you’re revising on the go.

  • The notes are prepared by experienced teachers who know what’s important in the chapter. This means you’re getting reliable and accurate information for your study.

  • With all the important points organised in Vedantu’s revision notes, you’ll feel more confident about answering questions related to this story, knowing you have a good grasp of the main ideas.

  • The notes help you understand not just the story but the deeper meaning behind it, teaching you valuable life lessons about patience, hard work, and respecting elders.

Study Tips for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात)

  • Start by reading Budhi Amma Ki Baat carefully. Pay attention to the main characters, especially Goma and Budhi Amma, and their experiences in the story.

  • After reading, go through Vedantu’s revision notes. These notes will help you remember the key points and make the story easier to understand.

  • Make a list of the important lessons in the story, like patience, trusting nature, and the value of elders' advice. This will help you connect with the deeper messages in the chapter.

  • Try writing answers to questions related to the story, focusing on Goma’s struggle and Budhi Amma’s advice. Use the notes to make sure you include all the important details.

  • Create a simple story map showing the main events, like Goma’s struggle, meeting Budhi Amma, her advice, and the rain. This can help you remember the flow of events.

  • Talk about the story with friends or family members. Explaining the story to others can help you remember it better and understand different viewpoints.

  • Go over the notes and key points a few times before your exams. Regular revision will help you recall details easily during the test.


The chapter Budhi Amma Ki Baat teaches us valuable lessons about patience, hard work, and trust in nature. Through Goma’s struggle and the wise advice of Budhi Amma, we learn that even in tough times, we should continue doing our work and believe that good things will come. The story shows the importance of listening to elders and respecting their wisdom, as they have life experiences that can guide us. In the end, Goma’s hard work and faith are rewarded with rain, reminding us that perseverance often brings success. Vedantu’s FREE PDF of Revision Notes for this chapter span the entire chapter and cover all the topics in it. Download the FREE PDF for Important Questions for the chapter Budhi Amma Ki Baat today and walk into the exam hall with full confidence!

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FAQs on Budhi Amma Ki Baat (बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात) Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Durva) Chapter 16

1. What is the main theme of Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat का मुख्य विषय धैर्य, प्रकृति पर भरोसा और बुजुर्गों की सलाह का महत्व है। यह कहानी सिखाती है कि कठिनाइयों के बावजूद हमें अपने काम को जारी रखना चाहिए और समय पर मेहनत का फल मिलता है।

2. Who is Goma Mori in the story of Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

Goma Mori is the main character in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat. He is a farmer who faces challenges due to a drought in his village. Through Goma’s experience, the story teaches us about the importance of hard work and faith in nature.

3. Why does Goma feel discouraged about ploughing the field in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat में गोमा अपने खेत को जोतने के बारे में निराश महसूस करता है क्योंकि गाँव में तीन साल से बारिश नहीं हुई है। उसे लगता है कि बिना बारिश के खेत जोतने का कोई फायदा नहीं है और उसके जानवर भी भूख और प्यास से परेशान हैं।

4. Who is Budhi Amma in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat and what advice does she give Goma?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat में Budhi Amma एक बुजुर्ग महिला है जो गोमा को यह सलाह देती है कि उसे प्रकृति पर भरोसा रखना चाहिए और अपने खेत को जोतते रहना चाहिए। वह उसे सिखाती है कि यदि वह अपना काम ईमानदारी से करेगा तो बारिश अवश्य होगी।

5. What does Budhi Amma mean by trusting nature in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

In Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat, by trusting nature, Budhi Amma means that we should believe that nature will do its work at the right time. She tells Goma to keep working and have faith, even if things seem difficult, because nature will eventually bring rain.

6. How does Goma react to Budhi Amma's advice in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat में गोमा बूढ़ी अम्मा की सलाह सुनकर प्रेरित होता है। वह अपने खेत की जुताई में लग जाता है और धैर्यपूर्वक बारिश का इंतजार करता है, जैसा कि बूढ़ी अम्मा ने उसे सिखाया था।

7. Why is Budhi Amma’s advice important in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

Budhi Amma’s advice in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat is important because it helps Goma to stay hopeful and keep working hard. Her wisdom shows him that even though times are tough, nature has its own rhythm, and he should not give up.

8. What message does Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat convey to readers?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat हमें यह सिखाती है कि हमें धैर्य रखना चाहिए, कड़ी मेहनत करनी चाहिए और अपने बड़ों की सलाह का सम्मान करना चाहिए। यह भी सिखाती है कि प्रकृति पर भरोसा रखने से अच्छे परिणाम मिल सकते हैं।

9. What happens after Goma starts ploughing his field again in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat?

After Goma starts ploughing his field in Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat, he stays hopeful and waits patiently. Eventually, clouds gather, and it rains, rewarding his hard work and faith in Budhi Amma’s advice.

10. How can Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat inspire us in real life?

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16: Budhi Amma Ki Baat inspires us to stay strong during difficult times, trust in the process, and listen to the wisdom of elders. It reminds us that patience and hard work can bring positive results, even when the situation seems hopeless.