Class 8 Civics Confronting Marginalisation Notes - Download FREE PDF
FAQs on Confronting Marginalisation Class 8 Notes: CBSE Civics Chapter 6
1. What is manual scavenging and what are the conditions of the people working in this sector? Explain according to Class 8 Confronting Marginalisation Notes.
Manual scavenging is defined as the practice of removing the human and animal waste using brooms, baskets and tin plates from the dry latrines and further carrying it on the head to dispose of them to far off disposal grounds.
A manual scavenger is a person who performs this task. Mainly, Dalit women and young girls performed this task. According to the numbers provided by one of the organisations named Andhra Pradesh-based Safai Karamchari Andolan, about 13 lakh workers just from the Dalit community are employed in this task.
The manual scavengers had to face serious health hazards because of being exposed to severe subhuman conditions. They had infections which affected their body frequently, and they are paid mere wages of Rs. 30-40 for a day’s task.
2. Why did the Safai Karamchari Andolan file a PIL in 2003? What did they complain about in their petition?
The government passed the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act in 1993. According to this law, the employment of manual scavengers is prohibited and a restriction on the construction of dry latrines was enforced. The Safai Karamchari Andolan filed a PIL in 2003 complaining about the existence of manual scavenging. They sought the enforcement of fundamental rights. This led to the union government and state government to take actions for the same.
3. What is confronting marginalisation in Class 8 Civics Chapter 6 Notes?
Chapter 6 of Class 8 Political Science is all about the title ‘Confronting Marginalisation’. Marginalisation in simple terms is about excluding people and communities who belong to the minority groups. Confronting marginalisation means Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, women, and other marginal groups stand up to argue about being citizens of the same country and therefore having equality in all rights that the country provides to its citizens. Laws involving the rights and protection of these communities are also presented to students.
4. What is the meaning of the term confront in Chapter 6 Class 8 Social science?
In the chapter ‘Confronting Marginalisation’ in Class 8, students learn about how different groups are oppressed in the country and how they stand up to fight for their rights. Before they go into the depths of the chapter, students need to understand what the term ‘confront’ means. Confront is a word that has the meaning of coming face to face with something difficult or challenging something or someone, particularly authority and its principles, and this is called challenging marginalisation.
5. What are public facilities in Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 PDF Notes?
Public facilities are those services that are made available to the public through the government and the various services they run. These facilities are absolutely necessary for citizens of a country and it is the government's responsibility and duty to provide these facilities to its citizens equally without any marginalisation. Facilities like electricity, public transport, schools, colleges, other educational institutions, hospitals, etc. form the sector of public facilities. Their benefits can be reaped by a large number of people together.
6. What are the benefits of using revision notes to study Chapter 6 for studying Social Science for Class 8?
Once students understand how revision notes might aid them with their exam preparations, they will find them very useful. Things can get very hard and confusing for students in Chapter 6 of Class 8 Politics, which deals with new concepts like marginalisation and its challenges. Vedantu's notes are among the best since they provide extensive, yet brief notes that simplify all of these new and difficult concepts, allowing students to learn more easily and receive last-minute assistance in their exams. The revision notes can be downloaded free of cost from Vedantu website.
7. What concept is covered in Chapter 6 of Class 8 Social Science?
Chapter 6 covers what the title says, ‘Confronting Marginalisation’. This particular chapter introduces the concepts of marginalisation and the various groups challenging this marginalisation. Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, and Women are often the marginalised groups in the country. The chapter aims to cover the following concepts:
Invoke fundamental rights
Laws for marginalised communities such that they remain protected from these issues
Promote social justice for equality
Protecting the rights of minorities like the Adivasis and Dalits
Different Acts against marginalisation.
8. How does marginalisation impact people in Class 8 Confronting Marginalisation Notes?
Marginalised groups often face limited access to education, healthcare, and jobs, which can lead to poverty, social isolation, and lack of basic rights.
9. How can marginalisation be addressed in class 8 Confronting Marginalisation notes?
Marginalisation can be addressed through government policies, social reforms, and raising awareness to ensure equal opportunities for all groups.
10. According to class 8 civics chapter 6 notes how does the Constitution of India help in addressing marginalisation?
The Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights like equality, freedom, and protection against discrimination, helping to address and confront marginalisation.
11. What are some challenges faced when confronting marginalisation according to understanding marginalisation class 8 PDF notes?
Challenges include deep-rooted prejudices, lack of awareness, and resistance to change by those who benefit from maintaining the status quo.