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Bachhe Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain (बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं ) Class 9 NOTES: CBSE Hindi (Kshitij) Chapter 13


Hindi (Kshitij) NOTES for Chapter 13 बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं (राजेश जोशी) Class 9 - PDF Download

The poem reflects on the harsh reality faced by children who are deprived of their childhood. The poet Rajesh Joshi’s observations, critique the social and economic conditions that force children to work rather than allowing them to enjoy their formative years filled with play and education. The poet urges society to recognise the injustice of child labor and emphasizes the importance of childhood, urging for reforms that ensure children can experience their natural development without being burdened by work. Vedantu’s notes provide detailed yet accessible content, helping students confidently tackle any exam questions, these notes enable students to study effectively and efficiently, improving their overall exam performance.

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Access Class 9 Hindi Chapter 13 Bachhe Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain

लेखक के बारे में 

राजेश जोशी का जन्म 1946 में मध्य प्रदेश के नरसिंहगढ़ जिले में हुआ था। वे पत्रकार, शिक्षक और लेखक थे। उन्होंने कविताओं के अलावा कहानियाँ, नाटक, लेख और टिप्पणियाँ भी लिखीं। उनकी कविताओं में गहरे सामाजिक और मानवीय मुद्दों की चर्चा होती है। उनका लेखन समाज के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारी और जागरूकता को व्यक्त करता है।

कविता के संक्षिप्त विवरण

इस कविता में बच्चों के बचपन की दुःखद स्थिति का वर्णन किया गया है। कवि बच्चों के खेल-कूद, शिक्षा और जीवन के हर्ष से वंचित होने की पीड़ा व्यक्त करते हैं। वे समाज के इस विडंबना को उजागर करते हैं, जिसमें बच्चे काम करने के लिए मजबूर होते हैं, जो उनके विकास के लिए अवरुद्ध है। कवि का उद्देश्य समाज को जागरूक करना है ताकि बच्चों का बचपन काम के बोझ तले न दबे।

मुख्य विषय

कविता का मुख्य विषय बच्चों के बचपन और उनके अधिकारों का हनन है। बच्चों का काम पर जाना और शिक्षा और खेल से वंचित रहना एक सामाजिक समस्या के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है। कवि यह संदेश देना चाहते हैं कि बच्चों को उनके बचपन में खेलने, सीखने और बढ़ने का अवसर मिलना चाहिए।

पात्र चित्रण

कविता में कोई विशिष्ट पात्र का चित्रण नहीं है, लेकिन बच्चों का प्रतिनिधित्व किया गया है जो अपने बचपन को खो रहे हैं। इन बच्चों की स्थिति को समाज के विकृत पहलू के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है, जहाँ वे काम करने के लिए मजबूर होते हैं, जबकि उनके पास खेलने और पढ़ने का समय होना चाहिए।


इस कविता में कवि ने बच्चों के बचपन के महत्व को दर्शाया है और यह बताया है कि उनका काम पर जाना, उनके प्राकृतिक विकास के खिलाफ है। यह सामाजिक और आर्थिक विडंबना को उजागर करता है, जिसमें बच्चे खेल, शिक्षा और जीवन की उमंग से वंचित हैं। कविता समाज को जागरूक करने की कोशिश करती है कि बच्चों को उनके बचपन से वंचित न किया जाए और उन्हें शिक्षा और खेल के अवसर दिए जाएं।

Learning from Class 9 Hindi Bachhe Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain Chapter 13

  • The poem highlights the pain of children being deprived of their childhood.

  • It critiques the social and economic system that forces children to work instead of allowing them to play or study.

  • The poet stresses the importance of childhood and the need for children to have the right to education and play.

  • The poem aims to awaken society about the exploitation of children’s innocence and their basic rights.

  • It uses the theme of lost childhood as a metaphor to challenge societal norms.

Benefits of  Vedantu Notes for Class 9 Hindi  Bachhe Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain  

  • Vedantu notes simplify complex themes like child labor, social exploitation, and the loss of childhood, helping students grasp the core message of the poem easily.

  • The notes break down difficult words and phrases, making the poem accessible to all students, regardless of their prior understanding.

  • The notes focus on key points, questions, and themes that are most likely to appear in the exam, ensuring better preparation and higher marks.

  • Important concepts are highlighted in Vedantu’s notes, making revision easier and saving time for students, especially before exams.

  • Vedantu’s notes provide practice questions and sample answers, allowing students to test their understanding and improve their answer-writing skills.

  • The notes include interactive features that keep students engaged while learning, making study sessions more productive and enjoyable.

  • The poem deals with important social topics, and Vedantu’s notes provide context, discussions, and background information, allowing students to understand the broader social impact.

  • With Vedantu’s digital notes, students can access the material anytime, making learning flexible and convenient, no matter where they are.


Class 9 Hindi poem raises a powerful social message about the exploitation of children in society. It calls for the protection of their childhood and urges society to provide opportunities for education and play. The poet seeks to inspire change and emphasizes the importance of every child’s right to a happy and healthy childhood, free from the pressures of work. Vedantu’s revision notes clearly understand these themes, simplifying the interpretation of complex ideas for students preparing for exams.

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FAQs on Bachhe Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain (बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं ) Class 9 NOTES: CBSE Hindi (Kshitij) Chapter 13

1. What is the central theme of the poem Bachche Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain in Class 9 Hindi?

The central theme of the poem focuses on the tragic reality of child labor. It highlights how children, who should be experiencing the joy of childhood, are instead forced into hard labor, losing their innocence and freedom.

2. In Chapter 13,  why does the poet emphasize the pain of children being deprived of their childhood?

The poet emphasizes the emotional and social damage caused to children who are deprived of their childhood, highlighting the exploitation they face in the form of child labor, which prevents them from enjoying basic rights like education and play.

3. What social message does the poet aim to convey in "Bachche Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain"?

The poet conveys a powerful social message, urging society to take responsibility for eradicating child labor. He calls for the protection of children’s rights, especially their right to a happy and healthy childhood free from work-related exploitation.

4. What makes Vedantu’s revision notes exam-friendly for this chapter 13?

Vedantu’s revision notes for this chapter are designed to focus on important themes, poetic techniques, and social issues discussed in the poem. The notes include a variety of questions—ranging from short answers to long essay-type questions—aligned with the exam format.

5. How do the characters in the poem help in understanding the message?

Class 9 Hindi chapter 13 revision notes, the poem doesn’t depict specific characters, it uses the collective voice of society to highlight the fate of children forced into work. The absence of childhood joy in these children’s lives strengthens the poet's argument against child labor.

6. What are the key poetic devices used in chapter 13  Bachche Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain?

Key poetic devices in the poem include symbolism, metaphor, and imagery. The poet uses vivid imagery to describe the painful situation of children, making the readers feel the gravity of the issue.

7. How does Vedantu’s approach to chapter 13 differ from other study materials?

Vedantu’s approach includes detailed line-by-line explanations, the context for every stanza, and social discussions, helping students connect the poem’s message with real-world issues. This makes learning more relatable and in-depth compared to traditional textbooks.

8. How can I use Vedantu’s revision notes to enhance my exam preparation for this chapter?

Vedantu’s notes provide summarised content, important questions, and easy-to-understand explanations that help in quick revision. The notes are designed to cover all key concepts and can be accessed anytime, ensuring efficient exam preparation.

9. Where can I access Vedantu’s revision notes for Bachche Kaam Par Ja Rahe Hain?

You can access Vedantu’s revision notes for this chapter on the Vedantu website or through their mobile app. The notes are available in downloadable formats, making it easy for you to study anywhere, anytime.