RS Aggarwal Solutions for Class 11
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations
1. What is the Difference Between a Function and a Relation?
A function is a relationship between quantities in which each input has one output. When there are multiple outputs for a given input, the quantities represent a relationship.
2. What are Relations in Math?
A relation is a mathematical term that describes the relationship between two sets of ordered pairs of values. Domain refers to the set of elements in the first set, which is associated with the range, which refers to the set of elements in the other set.
3. How RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 11 Chapter 2 is Useful for Students?
RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 11 Chapter 2 provides complete step-by-step solutions that help students to score excellent marks in Assessments and Examinations. All the questions are solved and explained by expert Mathematic teachers from Vedantu as per CBSE board guidelines.
4. According to RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations, what are the properties of transitive relations?
The properties of transitive relations can be provided as follows:
the inverse of a transitive relation will be called the transitive relation.
The union of two transitive relations may not necessarily be transitive in nature
The intersection of two transitive relations will always remain a transitive relation.
A transitive relation is said to be an asymmetric relation if and only if it is irreflexive in nature.
A relation that is defined on an empty set will also be transitive relation which has transitive properties
The complement of a transitive relation may not necessarily be a transitive set.
5. What are the important points that are mainly covered in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations?
The important points that are covered in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations can be provided as follows:
It provides an idea about the relations that exist in three types as Empty relation, universal relation, and trivial relation
If there are 2 sets such as A and B which are two non-empty finite sets that contain m and n elements respectively then the total number of relations from both A and B will be 2mn.
A relation R in a set named A is said to be an equivalence relation if R is transitive, symmetric and reflexive.
The two ways are explained in which the relationship can be represented, such as Roster Method and the Set builder method.
6. How to effectively utilise the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations for a structured study plan?
You must have a plan readied before you start your study with the help of RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations. This will help you get a structured study plan. To do so, you will first need to brush through the concepts first if they were taught a while ago. Once you have brushed upon them, you will be needed to read through the solutions provided. Give yourself time to go through every question and solution mentioned in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations. In this way, you will be able to utilise the solutions effectively.
7. What are the methods through which the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations helps in the understanding of the topic?
Various methods have been incorporated in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter 2 Relations that will help you with your understanding of the topic and can be provided as follows:
1. Easy Language:
The easy language included in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations via Vedantu provides a chance for the students to understand the topic on their own.
2. Stepwise Explanation:
Each step with a proper explanation as to why it is happening is also provided.
3. Questions Prepared Based on Competitive Exam Point of View:
You get to have questions that can be solved, which are prepared based on the competitive exam point of view.
All of these methods being incorporated in the RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations helps students understand the topic well.
8. Why is RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-2 Relations an important and well-known solution overall?
RS Aggarwal focuses more on helping students understand the topic that is Chapter 2 Relations more than just providing just the solutions to the questions asked in the textbook. This makes it one of the most important and well-known solutions. Also, providing a summary of Chapter 2 in the book gives the students a chance to take a look at it right before the exam to remember the important points. Students can now also take a look at the Vedantu revision notes for Class 11 Maths that helps them understand the topics right before the exam begins.