Class 11 RS Aggarwal Chapter-9 Combinations Solutions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Class 11 Solutions Chapter-9 Combinations
1. How can I download the Other Chapters' Solutions from Vedantu?
You can easily download the solutions of any chapter of class 11 maths or any other subject from the website, or install the Vedantu learning app from the google play store to download all the required materials on the phone. You can find the solutions of NCERT Exercises and Exemplar problems, RS Aggarwal problems, and answers to the previous year's papers. All these materials are free to download. You can also join our online tuition classes to clear your doubts from the expert faculties of the particular subject.
2. Do I Need to prepare from Only RS Aggarwal of Class 11?
No, you do not need to prepare only from RS Aggarwal. It is the reference book of class 11 maths; students use it to face complex problems that you will not see in the NCERTs. You can prepare from the provided textbooks, but that will only help you with concepts and very few examples. Download previous year's papers and sample papers; past questions help you understand the level of the exam if you do not want RS Aggarwal.
3. How many Questions come from the Combinations Chapter of Class 11 Maths?
Combination chapters of class 11 at least make two or three questions in the examination, and in the competitive exams also this chapter shows its presence. More than questions, you need to look at the use of the topic; combinations chapters will not leave you if you appear in an engineering degree after class 12. So, it is better to learn this topic very carefully and honestly.
4. Benefits of Class 11 RS Aggarwal Solutions Chapter 9 by Vedantu?
Vedantu is an online learning platform where all your doubts are solved. The team of Vedantu has proficient experts who work continuously to give you the best solutions to all your maths questions. Questions included in the Chapter 9 RS Aggarwal Class 11 Maths follow the latest CBSE exam pattern. When you understand the concepts, it becomes easy to solve the questions in the exam. And that is what Vedantu provides you with its solutions, easy to understand and helpful.
5. How many Exercises are there in RS Aggarwal Class 11 Chapter 9?
RS Aggarwal of class 11 chapter 9 contains four exercises. Each exercise covers a different amount of questions. First exercise 9-A has covered 14 questions, second exercise 9-B has included the highest number of questions, 26 questions in total, exercise 9-C has covered only five questions, and the final exercise 9- D has 18 questions in total. Vedantu has provided solutions to all four exercises. To download, click on the link at the top of this page.