RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-1 Number System (Ex 1C) Exercise 1.3 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter-1 Number System (Ex 1C) Exercise 1.3 - Free PDF
1. What are some important concepts covered in Class 6 Chapter 1 Mathematics?
Mathematics of Class 6 is like laying the ground to understand higher order concepts. You might find it tough or easy, nevertheless you can always grow to love and understand it. Some of the fundamental concepts covered in Number Systems are introduction to numbers, comparing numbers, estimation of numbers, understanding place value, introducing bigger numbers like 10,000, reading and writing large numbers, estimation to nearest hundreds and thousands by rounding off, using and expanding brackets and introducing roman numerals.
2. How can I make the best possible use of RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 6 Chapter 1?
RS Aggarwal Solutions is your partner in crime! It is here to be your guiding light as you attempt to clarify your doubts, strengthen your conceptual understanding and solve tough questions. The solutions are prepared by Vedantu’s top-Class teachers who are genuinely invested in ensuring that students shine bright in all their endeavours! You can use the solutions to guide you through your regular practice or even use it to compare your solutions with the answers given in the PDFs. Either way ensure you practice daily and have this PDF handy to reach out to!
3. What does it mean to estimate numbers?
We use estimation when we want to find the value closest to the original value. It is basically rounding off the number at hand to the nearest whole number so that it becomes easy to read and calculate. We need estimation when we are dealing with large numbers. Even during multiplication we can round the numbers to the nearest whole values so we can get an estimated product that is closest to the original. For Example, 385 and 95 can be taken as 400 and 100 respectively, the multiplied result of which will be 40,000.
4. What are some applications of number systems?
The Binary number system for instance is used in building and sustaining computer technology. Numbers also help you construct and design things, buy your vegetables, count the change, measure ingredients when cooking or baking, know your temperatures and even plan for long-distance travel because you will need to know the distance being travelled and the time required. Thus, Maths makes lives easier! Practically no discipline can exist without Mathematics, because it is an intrinsic part of creation itself.
5. Can I see Maths and numbers in nature?
What we experience within, is a mirror of what is found outside and vice versa. Maths can be found in the concentric patterns found in nature, in the number of leaves on trees, in measuring geographic coordinates of locations, and much more. Take a walk, step out into nature. You will see the presence of numbers everywhere! Be it in drawing the perimeter for your garden, building a new room in your house or even counting vegetables! Even mountaineering requires us to measure altitudes!