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RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-17 Constructions (Ex 17B) Exercise 17.2


RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-17 Constructions (Ex 17B) Exercise 17.2 - Free PDF

Construction deals with the drawing of basic shapes in geometry with the help of a ruler, compass, and even dividers in some cases. Students, especially Class 7 students, find this chapter quite interesting. Perfect drawing of the geometric shapes on an accurate scale brings good marks in exams of class 7 level. Construction basically starts with the drawing of line segments using a ruler only.  However, proper practice is needed to draw the different shapes according to the given measurements neatly and accurately.


RS Aggarwal is a good book to develop basic concepts in math in an easy way. Free PDF download of RS Aggarwal Solutions Chapter-17 Constructions and solutions of the Chapter-17 Constructions (Ex 17B) is available on the Vedantu site. All Exercise 17.2 Questions with Solutions for Class 7 Math  solved by Expert Mathematics Teachers are available on to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and Score More marks. You can also download NCERT Solutions PDF and opt to cross-refer post-answering questions to score subject-best marks.


In the exercise, students will get questions on construction of different figures. Students must learn the steps of construction for exams. Sometimes, students have to write the steps of construction in the exam. In a long answer type, students may have to write the steps of construction whereas in short answer type questions students only have to draw the figure. 

Chapter-17 Constructions


These types of questions take time and need a lot of practice. Once you practice enough questions, it will become easy for you to deal with such questions in the exams.

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FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-17 Constructions (Ex 17B) Exercise 17.2

1. What is the minimum information required to draw a triangle according to RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-17 Constructions?

The students can proceed to draw a triangle neatly once they are given any of the following

  • The measurements of the length of the three sides,

  • The measure of the angle between any of the two mentioned sides

  • Two angles and the measurement of the length of the side are included in the two angles.

  • In the case of a right-angled triangle, only the lengths of the hypotenuse and any of the other sides are needed. In a right angled triangle one angle is thus given as 90 degrees.

To draw a triangle where angles are mentioned, they need a protractor along with their usual rule and compass.

2. What is the purpose of including construction in class 7 math?

The purpose of including construction in class 7 math is to let the students know how important clarity in work is and how accurate they need the measurements. This particular chapter also develops the perception and analyzing skills among the students. Construction also has its important academic values since the whole real world is designed and constructed according to the measurements. The work of an engineer, architect, and even an artist is totally dependent upon the measurements. Students should first understand the importance of the topic in their syllabus and once they understand it they themselves will work hard to increase their accuracy. Use the free PDF file on Vedantu website to download and practice.

3. What is the importance of this topic in the real world?

This topic is not only necessary to build a building or a bridge on any other construction in the real-world from the provided measurements but also a clear concept in this topic can help the best use of space by an architect or a civil engineer. They can use a minimum space also for constructing a building if they have deep knowledge about the measurements. They can also use their concept to construct buildings keeping harmony in them which make the construction look beautiful in the observer’s eye. Even to make the smallest, intricate design to make the construction beautiful they need the concept of this mathematical topic. The use of this topic is everywhere in the real world. Construction of tunnels, dams, Auditoriums which prepare the measurements after calculating the strength of the echo sound or the strength of the water. Hence this covers a huge area of science and math in our real world.

4. Why is it important to write the steps in construction for a class 7 student?

The approach of writing the steps in construction will definitely make a good impression on the teacher. The teacher will also understand how accurately you have done the construction. Questions in construction bear marks partly for construction and partly for the steps, so if you write the construction steps you can be confident to get the full marks in the question if the construction is also accurate according to the written steps and measurements. Sometimes even if you cannot complete your whole construction but the steps are perfect some marks are justified for you.

5. How to improve the construction skill in a class 7 student using RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 Chapter-17 Constructions (Ex 17B) Exercise 17?

The skill in construction helps the student on many personal and professional fronts in the future. They need to sharpen this skill from the class 7 level onwards. They can improve their skills in the following ways:

  • Review and revise the concept at regular intervals

  • Practice different types of constructions

  • Prepare the measurements yourself and construct according to them

  • Give emphasis on writing the steps of construction

  • Need to have a sound knowledge about conversions.

  • Never get distracted while doing construction

  • Try to love and work with dedication.